Bomber is a 2009 British comedy-drama film directed and written by Paul Cotter and starring Shane Taylor, Benjamin Whitrow, and Eileen Nicholas. The plot is about an 83-year-old man returning to Germany for a long-planned journey of atonement.[1]
It was Whitrow's final film before his death in 2017.
Lovelorn art school graduate Ross is down in the dumps when his 83-year-old father announces plans for a family road trip to Germany. During World War II, Ross's father accidentally bombed a small German town and he's regretted the mistake ever since. He's determined to make amends but getting to Germany won't be easy, because it's been years since father and son have exchanged a kind word. Along the way, father and son learn to be better, more compassionate people.
Awards and reception
Bomber premiered at the 2009 SXSW (South by Southwest) Film Festival in the Narrative Competition. The film subsequently appeared at film festivals across the world, including Filmfest München, Torino, Raindance, Mill Valley, and Gothenburg. Along the way, Bomber picked up these awards:
Winner, Best Director, Savannah Film Festival
Winner, Best Feature, Sonoma International Film Festival
Winner, Best Feature, San Luis Obispo Film Festival
Winner, Best Feature and Audience Award, Estes Park Film Festival
Winner, Best Feature, 540 Film Festival
Winner, Best UK Feature, Falstaff International Film Festival
Winner, Best Actress, BendFilm
Winner, Best Actress, Nashville Film Festival
Winner, Best Actress, Kyiv International Film Festival
Honoree, New Director's Grand Jury Prize, Nashville Film Festival
Runner-up, Best Feature, Anchorage International Film Festival