Village in Odisha, India
Bolagarh is a village and a
Notified Area Council in Khordha in the Indian state of Odisha. It is the headquarter of Bolagarh Tehsil. It can be classified as a main-road area as National Highway 224 (New NH 57) passes through it.
Bolagarh is a village located in the Khordha district of Odisha state, India.
Most people in Bolargarh speak Odia.
Weather and climate
Bolagarh's highest daytime temperature in the summer is between 30 °C to 42 °C . The average temperatures of January is 21 °C, February is 24 °C, March is 29 °C, April is 31 °C, May is 32 °C .
Places of note
- Ghanashyam-Pindika museum[1]
Education facilities in the town include:
- Paramanda College
- Baman High School
- Govt Girls High School
- sagarguan nodal high school
There are also some private schools:
- Saraswati Shisu Mandir
- Vivekananda Shikhya Kendra
- Sai Sahara International School
Bankoi High School
The nearest airport to Bolgarh is Biju Pattanaik International Airport, which is 58 km (36 mi) away.
See also