The film revolves around a successful advertising campaign manager named Arjun Dutt. During a routine medical check-up, he discovers that he is HIV positive. He is totally devastated. Instead of accepting the truth and informing his pregnant wife and son, he runs away from his home and job.
While wandering like a beggar through the trains, he is robbed by a group of thugs who beat him up and leave him for dead. Then a doctor takes him to his hospital. After coming to his senses, Siddharth tries to leave but is stopped by the doctor. The doctor conducts another test to find that Siddharth is, actually, HIV negative.
Siddharth returns to his family and while searching through his doctor's records discovers that another patient, also named Arjun Dutt, is HIV positive while he has always been HIV negative. He is now faced with the dilemma of revealing the truth to the blissfully unaware man, or remaining silent.
A review for the Indian Journal for Medical Ethics stated, "There are sensitive portrayals by the lead actors, and Pankaj Kapur is a delight in a brief role as the gruff, straight-talking doctor."[7]