This article has been translated from the article Blanca Eekhout in the Spanish Wikipedia, and requires proofreading. If you are confident enough in your fluency of English and Spanish, please proofread it.(August 2022)
Eekhout attended José Antonio Páez High School in her hometown of Acarigua, and graduated from the Central University of Venezuela with a Bachelor of Arts specialized in cinema.[1] She was arrested in 1989 for instigating lootings during the Caracazo.[2]
In 2010, she was elected by her party to lead the candidacy in the Portuguesa state for the 2010 parliamentary elections, where she was elected as deputy. After holding her seat in 2011, she was designated as Second Vice President of the Assembly until January 2015.[5] She is the national coordinator of the Great Patriotic Pole and sectorial vice president of Alliances and Social Movements of the PSUV.[6] In 2016 she was named as Minister for Women and Gender Equality.[5]