Her husband Mr. Rajesh Das IPS is accused of sexually harassing a woman Superintendent of Police in February. The incident allegedly happened when he and the woman officer were part of a security detail for the then Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami during an election campaign.
In February 2019, Beela Rajesh was appointed as Health Secretary at the Department of Health and Family Welfare of State of Tamil Nadu. Prior to taking charge as the Health Secretary, she served as Commissioner, Indian Medicine and Homeopathy for the state.[6] As a Health Secretary, Rajesh was instrumental in initiating Hospital Management Information System, under which patients data across Tamil Nadu would be digitised and stored in cloud for future reference and research purposes.[7] She played vital role in minimising the number of Dengue cases reported in the state in 2019.[8]
^"Biodata of Ms Beela Rajesh". Single User platform Related To Employees Online (SUPREMO). Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Retrieved 24 August 2020.