Barhan is a town in Etmadpurtehsil, Agra district, Uttar Pradesh, India, located at 30 km from the city of Agra. It's primarily populated by Brahmins,Thakurs, Jain, Gautam, Baghel, Barbar, Kushwaha, Ahirs, Scheduled Castes and a few other communities.[clarification needed]
Barhan's population is 17365. Out of this, 9322 are males while the females count 8043 here. This village has 2554 kids in the age group of 0–6 years. Out of this 1393 are boys and 1161 are girls.
There are many educational institutes in the Town.
The main colleges of Barhan is:
Dev Education Degree College
Rastriya Inter College
Kishori Devi Kanya Inter College
Sarswati Gyan Mandir High School
Maa Bhagwati Public School
R B Public School
Mother Public School
Adarsh vidhya niketan
Dev public school
Literacy rate
Literacy ratio in Barhan village is 66%. 11604 out of total 17365 population is literate here. In males the literacy ratio is 74% as 6971 males out of total 9322 are educated whereas female literacy ratio is 57% as 4633 out of total 8043 females are educated in this Village.
Barhan is well connected with road transport. There are two ways to connect Agra city, first one via NH2 (Delhi to Kolkata ) at Etmadpur and second one is via Agra Jalesar Road at Anwalkheda.