Bandy was introduced to the Netherlands by Pim Mulier in 1891[1] and the Nederlandsche Hockey en Bandy Bond, organising field hockey and bandy, was founded on 8 October 1898. In the 1920s and 1930s ice hockey increasingly became a tough competitor to bandy. The federation eventually let go of bandy and was renamed the Nederlandse Hockey Bond in 1935.[1] However, bandy was still played by som clubs during the 1950s and 1960s. Sometimes it was played as rink bandy. By 1971 the new Nederlandse Bandy Federatie was founded. It became a member of the Federation of International Bandy in 1973 (or the International Bandy Federation, as it was known at the time), as the first non-founding member. The federation was merged into Skate Bond Nederland some decades later but since 2012 the sport has its own national federation again, in Bandy Bond Nederland.[1]