The Bandai Super Vision 8000, also known as the TV Jack 8000,[2] is a home video game console released by Bandai in 1979 belonging to the second generation. The console can be directly connected to a TV.
This console was the last of the Bandai TV Jack console series but was completely different from the other consoles of the series. The Super Vision 8000 had a central CPU. The other consoles belonged to the first generation: they didn't feature a microprocessor, and were based on custom codeless state machine computers consisting of discrete logic circuits comprising each element of the game itself (Pong-style console).
Resolution: 256 pixel x 192 with 2 Colors (32 x 16 character mode using built-in 8x12 font), 128 x 192 Bitmap Mode with 2 Colors, 128 x 96 Bitmap Mode with 4 Colors