The Bagmati Province cricket team, also known as Team Bagmati is a Nepali provincial cricket team, based in the Bagmati Province of Nepal. The team plays limited overs one day and Twenty20 cricket in the Prime Minister One Day Cup and the Gautam Buddha Cup, respectively.[1] The team is currently being run under the Cricket Association of Bagmati Province,[2] with Rit Gautam as the team captain.
The team was formed and named as Team Bagmati in December 2020, ahead of the 2020 Gautam Buddha Cup, which was played by three teams from 12 to 15 December 2020.[3] The team competed in the tournament under the leadership of Nepalese national captain Gyanendra Malla.[4][5]
The Mulpani International Cricket Ground, Commonly known as Upper Mulpani Cricket Ground or simply Mulpani Ground is a cricket ground in Mulpani, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium , often abbreviated as GBICS,[7][8] is a cricket stadium being built at Bharatpur, Nepal.[9][10] As of July 2020[update], 15% of the overall work has been completed.[8]