Bétoko is a village located in the Lim-Pendé Prefecture of the Central African Republic. Until December 2020, Bétoko was part of the Ouham-Pende.
Central African Republic Bush War (2004–2007)
In late 2005, APRD took control of Bétoko.[2] Responding to the attack on a commercial truck near the Chad-CAR border, Presidential Guard raided Bétoko on 15 March 2006 and killed one person.[3]
ANT raided Bétoko on 10 July 2006. They opened fire indiscriminately toward the civilians. As a result, the residents fled Bétoko. They also looted the villages, raped five women, and captured young people.[4]
Central African Civil War (2012-present)
In August 2013, FRUD-CA attacked Bétoko.[5] On 26 or 27 December 2017, RJ occupied Bétoko. Consequently, the villagers fled to Paoua and Bedaya.[6] They gradually returned to Bétoko starting on April to June 2018 thanks to the presence of MINUSCA troops.[7]
Bétoko has one market that attracted not only local merchants but also foreign merchants from Chad, Sudan, Cameroon, and Nigeria. In early 2006, the market was closed.[8]