Indian crime thriller television series
Auto Shankar is an Indian crime thriller streaming television series released on ZEE5, in the setting of Madras from 1985 to 1995. The story revolves around an auto driver whose life changes when he gets involved in the local transportation of liquor and prostitution. The series stars Appani Sarath as the real-life eponymous criminal.[1][2]
The series focuses on a gangster nicknamed "Auto Shankar". He slowly becomes more involved in his illegal trade, and spirals out of control, becoming connected to various businessmen and politicians. He is called a serial killer by police. The show ends with him being charged with the death penalty.
A critic from The News Minute wrote that "With better writing, Auto Shankar could have truly been a mature series. As it stands, it's a good addition to adult Tamil web series content but falls short of hitting the mark".[5]
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