The film involves a skillful team of professional thieves who hit several banks in Stockholm. The police investigation is led by 33-year-old chief inspector Klara (Sofia Helin) and Greger Krona (Stefan Sauk) who are led to the source, with a fatal exit.
Klara, a chief inspector of the Stockholm robbery commission, is in love with Frank (Mikael Persbrandt), a surgeon for Doctors Without Borders. The story opens during a bank robbery unlike any in Swedish history, carried out with military professionalism.
The thieves disappear with the money, and their escape car is found burning in a forest. Heavily-armed police surround the forest. Suddenly, one of the robbers starts shooting at a police helicopter searching the forest, providing cover for the robbers to escape.
Klara and her colleague, Krona soon realize that they are not dealing with ordinary bank robbers. The thieves have information on bank delivery times, police work, safety, and their behavior is extreme. The hunt is intense, the villains' methods becoming frighteningly more sophisticated.