Asnières-en-Montagne is located some 25 km south-east of Tonnerre and 10 km north by north-west of Montbard. The western and northern borders of the commune are the boundaries between the departments of Côte-d'Or and Yonne. Access to the commune is by the D5 road from Montbard in the south passing through the east of the commune and continuing to Laignes in the north-east. Access to the village is by the D119 road from Ravières in the west passing through the village and continuing south-east to join the D5 near the commune border. The D5D also links the D5 at the northern border to the village then continues south-west to join the D905 between Perrigny-sur-Armançon and Nuits. The commune is almost surrounded on all sides by forests which cover about 60% of its area with the central area of the commune farmland.[3]