The film is jointly produced by Rajib Tandoon, under the banner of their production houses. It is the remake of the 2009 Telugu film Arundhati, starring actors Anushka Shetty and Sonu Sood.[1] The film was around a budget of 6-7 crores INR.[2]
Koel Mallick as Rani Arundhati a.k.a. Moni Maa/ Arundhati a.k.a. Mishti
Koel Mallick will be seen as a warrior queen for the first time in this film. Regarding her role, she said, "Till the time you don’t experiment or take risks, you don’t know to what level you can go. Playing these larger-than-life characters isn't easy, specially because I have never done it. I needed to first believe in the subject. I believe in reincarnation and life after death. After saying yes, I had to really work very hard on getting Arundhati's body language right."[3]
Filming of Arundhati started on 24 October 2013.[2] Mallick was reported to have a very busy schedule during the filming of Arundhati. She had to learn horse-riding and sword-fighting for portraying her character in this film. Her horse-riding classes were taken by expert Vikram Rathore, at the Kolkata Maidan during the early hours of the day. Shooting locations included Bolpur and Kolkata.[2] Her sword-fighting sequences are based on the martial art Kalaripayattu.[3]