The fourth season of the animated television series, Archer originally aired in the United States on the cable network FX. This season started on January 17, 2013, with "Fugue and Riffs" and ended with the two part episode "Sea Tunt" on April 4 and April 11, 2013, respectively, with a total of thirteen episodes.
On February 23, 2012, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that FX had ordered a 13-episode 4th season of Archer, and signed a multi-year deal with Adam Reed and Matt Thompson's Floyd County Productions.[1]Aisha Tyler also confirmed Archer was returning for a fourth season early in 2013 while appearing as a guest on Rove LA.[2] The first episode premiered on January 17, 2013.[3]
Krieger offers to give Ray the power to walk again. Archer runs afoul of Rodney, the new armory supervisor. Archer also hears about Ray's procedure and, fearing robots, tries to stop it.
Ron Cadillac's past is revealed and step-father and son bonding occurs as Ron rescues Archer from Montreal, where's he's stranded with no money or passport. Archer saves Ron from an ambush by mobsters, and the two escape after they are kidnapped by a transvestite trucker.
A snake bites Archer's taint during a covert operation to blow up an oil pipe and, in the vein of Heaven Can Wait, his subsequent venom-induced hallucinations uncover mysteries from his past, including the identity of his long-lost father.
When there is a threat against the Albanian ambassador, the ISIS agents investigate the threat undercover in Lance Casteau's restaurant. Meanwhile, Malory has Pam and Cheryl try to get a table at the restaurant.
Special guest stars: Anthony Bourdain as Lance Casteau, Ona Grauer as Katya Kazanova and Ron Leibman as Ron Cadillac
Archer and Lana go undercover as a couple on their honeymoon to catch North Korean terrorists attempting to buy uranium. Cyril, Pam and Cheryl follow to spy on them, while Malory takes away Archer's bonus for stealing her credit card.
ISIS is sent on a mission to recover a hydrogen bomb from a crashed B-52 with the help of Cheryl's brother and his girlfriend, who she fears is after her inheritance.
Murphy threatens to detonate nerve-gas missiles over the Eastern Seaboard unless his demands are met. Meanwhile, the ISIS agents descend to deal with him in his underwater lair, where it is revealed that Lana is pregnant.