After graduating from high school in 1983, Tillmann studied finance at the University of Applied Sciences for Finance in Nordkirchen, which she completed in 1986 with a degree in finance. She then worked as a tax official in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1991, she moved to Brandenburg, where she participated in the establishment of the University of Applied Sciences for Finance in Königs Wusterhausen. In 1993, she finally went to Thuringia and worked in the Ministry of Finance there. In 1998, she passed the examination to become a tax consultant.[1]
Tillmann first became a member of the Bundestag in the 2002 German federal election.[3] She was a member of the Budget Committee until moving to the Finance Committee in 2005.[4] In this capacity, she served as her parliamentary group's rapporteur on the introduction of a balanced budget amendment in 2009.