The Animal Metaphor test consists of a series of creative and analytical prompts. Unlike conventional projective tests, the Animal Metaphor works as both a diagnostic and therapeutic battery. Unlike the Rorschach test and TAT, the Animal Metaphor is premised on self-analysis via self-report questions. The test combines facets of art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and insight therapy, while also providing a theoretical platform of behavioral analysis.
The test has been used widely as a clinical tool, as an educational assessment, and in human resource selection. The test was developed at the Center for the Study of Normative Behavior in Hamden, Connecticut, a clinical training and research center.[4]
^Levis, A. (1987). Conflict Analysis: The Formal Theory of Behavior. Manchester, Vermont: Normative Publications.
Further reading
Angus, L. E., & McLeod, J. (2004). The handbook of narrative and psychotherapy: practice, theory, and research. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Bruner, J. (1998). Narrative and meta-narrative. In Ferrari, M. D., & Sternberg, R. J., Self-awareness: its nature and development. New York: Guilford Press.
Bruner, J. (2004). Life as Narrative. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 71(3), 691-710.
Crossley, C. (2005). Consumable metaphors: Attitudes towards animals and vegetarianism in nineteenth-century France. Oxford: P. Lang.
Levis, A. (1987). Conflict Analysis: The Formal Theory of Behavior. Manchester, Vermont: Normative Publications.
Levis, A. (1987). Conflict Analysis Training: A Concise Program of Emotional Education. Manchester, Vermont: Normative Publications.
Suzuki, L. A., Ponterotto, J. G., & Meller, P. J. (2001). Handbook of multicultural assessment clinical, psychological, and educational applications (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.