Amanece is a 2023 Spanish drama film written and directed by Juan Francisco Viruega (in his directorial debut feature) which stars Aura Garrido, Iria del Río, and Isabel Ampudia.
After ending a relationship with her significant other, Alba returns home, a place where she left her younger sister and her mother, now very ill.[1]
Ekaitz Ortega of HobbyConsolas rated the film with 63 points ('acceptable'), citing the performances, the cinematography, and its ambition as hallmarks while citing punctual writing issues and the film's pace as its worst features.[8]
Manuel J. Lombardo of Diario de Sevilla rated the film with 2 stars, writing that the helmer's search for "lyricism and the symbolism of maternal-filial bonds" is not always [adequately] accompanied by the "performances and the somewhat pretentious, overbearing and transcendental tone".[9]
Oti Rodríguez Marchante of ABC rated the film 3 out of 5 stars, stressing that, rather than the story itself, the really essential bits about the film are the way it tells it and the excellent presence and performances delivered by Garrido, del Río, and the "impressive" Isabel Ampudia.[10]