
شارع ابو طالب المأموني; ʿAbū Ṭālib al-Maʾmūnī Street in Jeddah

ʿAbū Ṭālib ʿAbd al-Salām ibn al-Ḥasan al-Maʾmūnī (ابو طالب المأموني; after 953 CE in Baghdad – 993) was an Arab poet, noted for his epigrammatic writing.[1]


Al-Maʾmūnī's name indicates that he was descended from the caliph al-Maʾmūn. Though born in Baghdād, he soon moved to Rayy, where he studied with Ṣāḥib Ibn ʿAbbād; falling out with some of Ibn ʿAbbād's circle, he moved to Nīshāpūr, joining the court of Abu ’l-Ḥusayn al-ʿUtbī and his successor Abū Naṣr in Bukhārā through the patronage of Ibn Sīmjūr, a Sāmānid commander. There he met al-Tha'ālibī, who was later to write a biography and record the lion's share of al-Maʾmūnī's surviving verse. Although al-Tha'ālibī reports that al-Maʾmūnī aspired to win (or regain?) the ʿAbbāsid caliphate, this clearly never transpired, and he died of hydropsy in 383/993.[1]


While he wrote in other forms, al-Maʾmūnī's oeuvre is most noted for its short, ekphrastic epigrams, showing Persian influence and characteristic of the Perso-Arabic literary concept of waṣf ('description') on themes such as buildings, utensils (for example, writing implements, scissors, baskets), fruits, and foods.[1] The following, 'fī al-tannūr' ('on a baking oven') is an example (albeit attested only in one manuscript):[2]

(Here the conceit is that an unbaked piece of bread looks like the moon, and when baked it is like the sun.)

Another example is this five-line verse in three-foot rajaz lines:[1]: p. 293 (no. 84). 

Epigram topics

Epigram topics (according to 1983 Beirut edition)
first page topic (Arabic) topic (transliterated) topic (translation) metre number (Bürgel translation) topic (Bürgel)
iv 195 المنارة lighthouse ṭawīl
iv 196 الْكُرْسِيّ al-kursī chair mujtathth 1 Auf den Thronstuhl
iv 196 الْكُرْسِيّ al-kursī chair mutaqārib 2/3 Auf den Thronstuhl
iv 196 طست الشمع ṭast al-shamʿ candleholder kāmil 4 Auf den Kerzenhalter
iv 197 طست الشمع ṭast al-shamʿ candleholder ṭawīl 5 Auf den Kerzenhalter
iv 197 النَّار al-nar fire sarīʿ 23 Auf das Feuer
iv 197 الْحمام al-ḥammām bath ṭawīl 35 Auf das Bad
iv 197 السطل والكرنيب al-saṭl wa-l-kirnīb bucket and basin rajaz 6 Auf den Schöpfeimer und das Waschbecken
iv 198 حجر الْحمام ḥajar al-ḥammām stone of the bath sarīʿ 18 Auf den "Badestein"
iv 198 الليف al-līf palm-fibre rajaz 19 Auf die Palmfasern
iv 198 المنشفة al-minshafa towel munsariḥ 20 Auf das Taschentuch
iv 198 الزنبيل al-zanbīl palm-fibre basket wāfir 7 Auf den Palmfaserkorb
iv 199 كوز أَخْضَر محرق kūz akhḍar muḥarraq burnt, green jug kāmil 8 Auf einen grünen gebrannten Krug
iv 199 الشرابية al-sharābīya wine-jug stand (?) sarīʿ 9 Auf den Weinkrugständer
iv 199 الجليد al-jalīd ice basīṭ 39 Auf das Eis
iv 199 مَاء بجليد māʾ bi-jalīd water with ice rajaz 40 Auf Wasser mit Eis
iv 199 جلاب kaʾs jullāb cup of jallab rajaz 41 Auf einen Becher Rosenwassers
iv 200 جلاب kaʾs jullāb cup of jallab ṭawīl 42 Auf einen Becher Rosenwassers
iv 200 السكنجبين sakanjabīn sekanjabin ṭawīl 43 Auf das Oxymel (Sauerhonig)
iv 200 الفقاعة al-fuqqāʿa barley-water (foam-bubble) munsariḥ 44 Auf den Gerstensaft
iv 200 الفقاعة al-fuqqāʿa barley-water (foam-bubble) rajaz 45 Auf den Gerstensaft
iv 201 الأترج المربى al-utrujj al-murabbā citron marmalade rajaz 46 Auf das Orangengelee
iv 202 الإهليج المربي al-ihlīlaj al-murabbā on jellied myrobalans sarīʿ 47 Auf gelierte Myrobolanen
iv 202 الترنجبين al-taranjubīn manna rajaz 48 Auf das Manna
iv 202 برنية زجاج glass globes ṭawīl
iv 202 برنية زجاج glass globes mujtathth
iv 203 كعاب الغزال فِي برنية زجاج kiʿāb al-ghazāl fī barniyyat zujāj gazelle ankles in a glass jug basīṭ 51 Auf die "Gazellenknõchel" in einer Glasschale
iv 203 كعاب الغزال فِي برنية زجاج kiʿāb al-ghazāl fī barniyyat zujāj gazelle ankles in a glass jug ṭawīl 52 Auf die "Gazellenknõchel" in einer Glasschale
iv 203 كعاب الغزال فِي برنية زجاج kiʿāb al-ghazāl fī barniyyat zujāj gazelle ankles in a glass jug ṭawīl 53 Auf die "Gazellenknõchel" in einer Glasschale
iv 203 بَنَادِق القند الخزائني فِي برنية زجاج banādiq al-qand al-khazāʾinī fī barniyyat zujāj ? in a glass jug basīṭ 54 Auf Bolzen von Speicherkandis in einer Glasschale
iv 203 أعمدة القند الخزائن aʿmidat al-qand alkhazāʾinī sticks of candied sugar hazaj 55 Auf Stäbchen von Speicherkandis
iv 204 اللوز الرطب al-lawz al-raṭb fresh almonds ṭawīl 56 Auf die "feuchten" Mandeln
iv 204 اللوز الْيَابِس al-lawz al-yābis dried almonds basīṭ 57 Auf die trockenen Mandeln
iv 204 الْجَوْز الرطب al-jawz al-raṭb fresh nuts kāmil 58 Auf die "feuchten" Nüsse
iv 204 الزَّبِيب الطَّائِفِي al-zabīb al-ṭāʾifī raisins of the ṭāʾifī type munsariḥ 59 Auf die ṭāʾifischen Rosinen
iv 204 [القشمش] [al-qishmish] currants or currant-juice rajaz 60. Auf die Korinthen bzw. Korinthensaft
iv 205 الْعنَّاب al-ʿunnāb jujube mujtathth 61 Auf die Brustbeeren
iv 205 الباقلاء الْأَخْضَ al-bāqilāʾ al-akhḍar green broad beans rajaz 62 Auf die grünen Saubohnen
iv 205 الباقلاء المنبوت al-bāqilāʾ al-manbūt germinating broad beans sarīʿ 63 Auf die keimenden Saubohnen
iv 205 الْبِطِّيخ al-biṭṭīkh melon ṭawīl 64 Auf die Melone
iv 206 الْبِطِّيخ الْهِنْدِيّ al-biṭṭīkh al-hindī Indian melon ṭawīl 65 Auf die indische Melone
iv 206 الكمثرى al-kum(m)athrā pear wāfir 66 Auf die Birne
iv 206 رمانة rummāna pomegranate sarīʿ 67 Auf einen Granatapfel
iv 206 [الإناء] [al-ināʾ] jar kāmil 68 Auf ein Gefäß
iv 207 الْملح المطيب al-milḥ al-muṭayyab spiced salt sarīʿ 69 Auf das gewürzte Salz
iv 207 خبز الأبازير al-khubz al-abāzīr spiced bread sarīʿ 71 Auf das Gewürzbrot
iv 207 الرقَاق al-ruqāq flatbread sarīʿ Auf das Fladenbrot
iv 207 الرقَاق al-ruqāq flatbread mutaqārib 72 Auf das Fladenbrot
iv 208 الْجُبْن وَالزَّيْتُون al-jubn wa-l-zaitūn white cheese and olives ṭawīl 73 Auf den Weißkäse und die Oliven
iv 208 البوراني والبطيخ al-būrānī wa-l-biṭṭīkh borani and melon ṭawīl 74 Auf "Būrānī" und Melonen
iv 209 العجة al-ʿujja omelette munsariḥ 75 Auf die Omelette
iv 209 الجوذابة al-jūdhāba grain pudding baked under dripping meat rajaz 76 Auf das Reisfleisch
iv 209 الشواء السوقي al-shiwāʾ al-sūqī grill in the market ṭawīl 77 Auf das "Basargebratene"
iv 209 سَمَكَة مشوية samaka mashwiyya grilled fish sarīʿ 78 Auf einen gebratenen Fisch
iv 209 سَمَكَة مشوية samaka mashwiyya grilled fish sarīʿ 79 Auf einen gebratenen Fisch
iv 210 السفود al-saffūd skewers ṭawīl 80 Auf den Bratspieß
iv 210 الهريسة al-harīsa harissa munsariḥ 81 Auf die Harīsa (Fleisch und Weizengrütze)
iv 210 مَاء الْخَرْدَل māʾ al-khardal mustard water khafīf 82 Auf den Senf
iv 210 الْبيض المفلق al-baiḍ al-mufallaq broken eggs (but the correct subject is a mixed dish) rajaz 83 Auf ein Mischgericht
iv 211 الْبيض المفلق al-baiḍ al-mufallaq broken eggs rajaz 84 Auf "gespaltene" Eier
iv 211 أَقْرَاص السّحُور aqrāṣ al-saḥūr loaves at suhur rajaz 85 Auf die Fladen des Fastenbrotes
iv 211 اللوزينج الْيَابِس a-lawzīna al-yābisj dry nougat ṭawīl 86 Auf den "trockenen" Nougat
iv 211 اللوزينج الْفَارِسِ a-lawzīna al-fārisī Persian nougat ṭawīl 87 Auf den persischen Nougat
iv 211 الخبيص al-khabīṣ khabees sarīʿ 88 Auf al-Khabiṣ (eine Dattelspeise)
iv 212 الفالوزج الْمَعْقُود al-fālūzaj al-maʿqūd sweet based on flour, water and honey sarīʿ 89 Auf das gelierte Fālūzaj (eine Mandelspeise)
iv 212 مشاش الْخَلِيفَة mushāsh al-khalīfa the caliphate ṭawīl 90 Auf das "Kalifenmark"
iv 212 أَصَابِع زَيْنَب aṣābiʿ Zainab Zaynab's finger ṭawīl 91 Auf die "Finger der Zainab"
iv 212 أَصَابِع زَيْنَب aṣābiʿ Zainab Zaynab's finger ṭawīl 92 Auf die "Finger der Zainab"
iv 212 عدَّة من المطعومات ? ? khafīf 93 Auf die Diät
iv 213 الْمَدِينَة al-mudya slaughter-knife sarīʿ 94 Auf das Schlachtmesser
iv 213 مجمع الأشنان بِمَا فِيهِ من المحلب والخلال majmaʿ al-ushnān bi-mā fīhi min al-maḥlab wa-l-klilāl On the pot of the potash with its ingredients sour cherry and "sweet herbs" mujtathth 95 Auf das Sammelgefäß der Pottasche mit ihren Ingredienzien Weichselkirsche und "süßen Kräutern". Oder: Auf das Sammelgefäß der Pottasche samt dem, was dazu gehört an [Zahnstochern aus] Weichselkirsche und Speiseresten (d. h., was zwischen den Zähnen hængenbleibt).
iv 214 طين الْأكل edible clay sarīʿ
iv 214 الْجَمْر والمدخنة al-jamr wa-l-midkhana embers in chimney mutaqārib 24 Auf die Glut und den Rauchfang
iv 214 جمر خبا بعد اشتعاله jamrin khabā baʿda shtiʿālihi embers extinguished after burning khafīf 25 Auf Glut, die verlöschte, nachdem sie aufgeflammt
iv 214 الْبرد al-barad hail ṭawīl 26 Auf den Hagel
iv 214 التدرج al-tadruj pheasant khafīf 97 Auf den Fasan
iv 215 المحبرة al-miḥbara inkwell rajaz 13 Auf das Tintenfaß
iv 215 المقلمة والأقلام al-miqlama wa-l-aqlām pens and pen-box ṭawīl 14 Auf das Federkästchen und die Federn
iv 215 السكين المذنب al-sikkīn al-mudhannab pen-knife wāfir 15 Auf das Federmesser
iv 216 المقط al-miqaṭṭ cutter ṭawīl 16 Auf den "Spitzer"
iv 216 المحراك وَهُوَ الملتاق al-miḥrāk wa-huwa al-milyāq poker rajaz 17 Auf den "Schürer"
iv 216 الاصطرلاب al-asṭurlāb astrolabe khafīf 27 Auf das Astrolab
iv 216 الاصطرلاب al-asṭurlāb astrolabe sarīʿ 28 Auf das Astrolab
iv 216 المقراض al-miqrāḍ scissors rajaz 10 Auf die Schere
iv 217 مشطي عاج وآبنوس mushṭai ʿāj wa-ābunūs two combs, one of ivory and one of ebony basīṭ 21 Auf zwei Kämme, einen aus Elfenbein und einen aus Abenholz
iv 217 المنقاش al-minqāsh chisel sarīʿ 22 Auf den "Meißel"
iv 217 الزربطانة al-zarbaṭāna blowpipe ṭawīl 29 Auf das Blasrohr
iv 217 القفص al-qafaṣ cage hajaz 30 Auf den Käfig
iv 218 قَارُورَة المَاء qārūrat al-māʾ flask of water rajaz 31 Auf die "Wasserflasche"
iv 218 اللبد al-libd wool mat mutaqārib 11 Auf die Wollmatte
iv 218 قضيب الفول qaḍīb al-fūl uncertain: literally 'bean-pole' munsariḥ 32 (?) Wörtlich "Bohnenrohr"

Epigrams included by Bürgel but not in the Beirut edition:

  • 12. mā amara b-kitābatihi ʿalā khiwān / Was er auf ein Tablett zu schreiben befahl
  • 33. fī al-turs / Auf den Schild
  • 34. al-manāra / Auf das Minarett
  • 36. mā amara bi-kitābatihi ʿalā fināʾi dār / Was er auf dem Vorhof eines Palastes als Inschrift anbringen ließ
  • 37. mā amara bi-kitābatihi ʿalā fināʾi dār / Was er auf dem Vorhof eines Palastes als Inschrift anbringen ließ
  • 49. al-ruṭab al-muʿassal fī barniyyat zujāj / Auf Datteln in Honig in einer Glasschale
  • 50. al-ruṭab al-muʿassal fī barniyyat zujāj / Auf Datteln in Honig in einer Glasschale
  • 93 al-muzawwara / Auf die Diät


Al-Maʾmūnī's style is a good example of the general tendencies of Arabic poetry of the 4th/10th centuries, which, like the New Persian poetry that was emerging at the same time, tended towards florid and sophisticated forms resembling later European mannerism; no verse was complete without incorporating some conceit (Persian nukte). Thus al-Maʾmūnī uses ostentatiously artful language and unusual words, sometimes creating a purposefully comical contrast between the banality of the content and the pathos of the expression.[1]: 244  In Bürgel's estimation, al-Maʾmūnī's language is sometimes rather strained, as in epigram 45 (in Bürgel's numbering, on barley-water), but at other times manages to sound both natural and fresh, as in epigram 7 (on a palm-fibre basket).[1]: 245  Though not much inclined to use hyperbole[1]: 250  or the device of repeating the same word in different meaning, al-Maʾmūnī is fond of word-play and sound-play, making extensive use of assonance and alliteration.[1]: 245  He often deploys antithesis, ranging from simple opposites such as standing and sitting (e.g. poems 1, 2, 3, 94), black and white (e.g. 73), or gold and silver (76, 78, 83, 84) to complex forms (and, in 11 and 18, joking pseudo-antitheses).[1]: 245–46 

Metaphor is central to al-Maʾmūnī's epigrams, which often have a riddlic quality: while in some poems, the subject is named explicitly at the outset, others start with the metaphor, challenging the audience to guess the subject matter before being explicit. While all his descriptions are short and pointed and characterised by fantastical metaphors, each poem almost always contains one or more lines that make a literal statement about the subject, for example that the throne has iron posts and a leather cover (epigram 1), that the bucket is made in Damascus and that its handle creaks (6), or that there are brown and white feathers in the pen box (14).[1]: 251 

Personification of inanimate objects is a key technique,[1]: 250  sometimes achieved using the terms dhū/dhāt ('owner'), and ibn/ibna ('son/daughter').[1]: 247  Al-Maʾmūnī values harmonious choices of metaphors in his epigrams, for example using only tree-based metaphors in poem 4, and uses a rich array of linguistic techniques to express his comparisons: the usual particles ka kaʾanna, kaʾannamā, mithl and li; verbs from the roots sh-b-h (form IV) and ḥ-k-y (forms I and III); first-person verbs reflecting his personal perspective such as khaltu, ḥasibtu, raʾaitu, taʾammaltu; and direct "A = B" juxtaposition of his comparisons without particles.[1]: 246  Al-Maʾmūnī's favoured form of metonymy is synecdoche, especially via adjectives, which also contributes to the riddlic character of the verse.[1]: 247  He makes extensive use of the technique that the Persian critic of Arabic literature al-Jurjānī called tafṣīl ('going into details'), whereby a natural unity is dissolved into a fantastic multiplicity: for example, epigram 64, on the melon, says that "لَهَا حلَّة من جلّنار وسوسن * مغمَّدة بالآس غِبَّ غمام" ('she has a garment made of pomegranate flowers and lilies, covered with myrtles after rain'). Much more rarely, he uses the opposite device of presenting a multiplicity as a whole (as in epigram 73, on white cheese and olives).[1]: 248  Like riddles, al-Maʾmūnī's epigrams frequently deploy comparison through subtraction: thus the candle-holder (epigram 4) is "وحديقةٍتهتزُّ فيها دَوْحَةٌ * لم يُنْمِها تُرَبٌ وﻻ أمطار" ('like a garden in which a large tree trembles which neither earth nor rain enabled to grow').[1]: 248–49 

Primary sources

The main source for al-Maʾmūnī and his work is the Kitāb Yatīmat al-dahr fī mahāsin ahl al-ʿasṛ by Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (who had met al-Maʾmūnī and had access to at least some of his verse in manuscript):[1]

  • ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad Thaʿālibī, Yatīmat al-dahr fī shuʿarāʼ ahl al-ʿaṣr (يتيمة الدهر في شعراء أهلالعصر), 4 vols (Damascus: [al-Maṭbaʿah al-Ḥifnīyah] دمشق : المطبعة الحفنية, 1302 AH [1885 CE]), vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4: iv, 84-112 [part 4, chapter 3].
  • Muḥammad Muḥyī al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd محمد محي الدين عبدالحميد (ed.), يتيمة الدهر في في محاسن أهلالعصر, 4 vols (Cairo 1956), vol. 1, vol. 3, vol. 4, iv, 149–79.
  • ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad Thaʻālibī, Yatīmat al-dahr fī maḥāsin ahl al-ʻaṣr maʻ al-tatimma wa-l-fahāris (يتيمة الدهر في شعراء أهل العصر مع التتمة والفهارس), ed. by Mufīd Muḥammad Qumayḥah, 6 vols (Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah (دار الكتب العلمية), 1983), vols 1-4 (index vol. 6). Machine-readable text.

Some verses appear elsewhere, including the Nihāyat al-arab by al-Nuwayri and the Asrār al-balāgha by al-Jurjānī.[1]

Other editions and translations


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Bürgel, J.C., 'al-Maʾmūnī', in Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. by P. Bearman and others, 2nd edn, 12 vols (Leiden: Brill, 1960–2005), doi:10.1163/1573-3912_islam_SIM_4892.
  2. ^ Wolfhart Heinrichs, review of Johann Christoph Bürgel, Die ekphrastischen Epigramme des Abū Talib al-Ma'mūnī: literaturkundliche Studie über einen arabischen Conceptisten, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 14 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1965), Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 121 (1971), 166-90 (p. 177).

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Rail network in Aargau, Switzerland Aargau S-BahnAn S26 service between Sins and Mühlau.OverviewLocaleAargau, SwitzerlandTransit typeS-BahnNumber of lines7Number of stations78WebsiteAargau S-Bahn(SBB-CFF-FFS)(in English)AAR bus+bahn (in German)OperationOperator(s) Aargau Verkehr Swiss Federal Railways TechnicalTrack gauge1,435 mm (4 ft 8+1⁄2 in)(SBB-CFF-FFS)1,000 mm (3 ft 3+3⁄8 in)(AAR bus+bahn) Aargau S-Bahn Map of the Aargau S-Bahn networ...


Japanese rock band Ogre You AssholeOriginNagano, JapanGenresIndie rockAlternative rockPost punkPsychedelic rockYears active2001–presentLabelsVAP 2009–presentOYA 2001–presentMembersManabu DetoKei MabuchiTakashi KatsuuraTakashi ShimizuPast membersNorihito HiraideArata Ogre You Asshole is a Japanese rock band formed in Nagano, taking influences from Modest Mouse, Fugazi, Talking Heads, and Can. They were signed to major label VAP in 2009 and have been praised...

SMA Negeri 14 Bandar LampungInformasiDidirikan2003AkreditasiB[1]Nomor Statistik Sekolah302126013047Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional10807060Kepala SekolahTri Winarsih,S.Pd,M.Pd NIP: 195504141978032001Pangkat: TK.I Golongan: IV BJumlah kelas30 ruangJurusan atau peminatanIPA dan IPSRentang kelasX IPA, X IPS, XI IPA, XI IPS, XII IPA, XII IPSKurikulumKTSP dan K13AlamatLokasiBukit Kemiling Permai Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung, LampungTel./Faks.(0721) 8011014 /(0721) 8011014Koordinat5...


Fictional character in the Arrowverse franchise Fictional character Kara DanversArrowverse characterMelissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El in a promotional image from season one of the television series SupergirlFirst appearancePilotSupergirlOctober 26, 2015 (2015-10-26)Last appearanceKaraSupergirlNovember 9, 2021 (2021-11-09)Based onSupergirl (Kara Zor-El)by Otto BinderAl PlastinoAdapted by Greg Berlanti Ali Adler Andrew Kreisberg Portrayed by Melissa Benoi...


Brazilian racing driver This article is about the Brazilian racing driver. For the Brazilian model, see Ana Beatriz Barros. For the Brazilian volleyball player, see Ana Beatriz Silva. This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially libelous.Find sources:...

Nguyễn Trọng VĩnhChức vụĐại sứ Việt Nam tại Cộng hòa Hồi giáo PakistanNhiệm kỳ21 tháng 8 năm 1974 –  Đại sứ Việt Nam tại Trung QuốcNhiệm kỳ26 tháng 4 năm 1974 – 1987Tiền nhiệmNgô ThuyềnBí thư thứ nhấtDương Danh Dy Trưởng đoàn Cố vấn, Chuyên gia Việt Nam tại LàoNhiệm kỳ1964 – 1974 Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thanh HóaNhiệm kỳ1961 – 1964Tiền nhiệmNg...


Motukawao IslandsMāori: MotukawaoMotukawao Islands and Hauraki Gulf from Amodeo Bay, near Colville.GeographyLocationWaikato regionCoordinates36°41′24″S 175°24′00″E / 36.690°S 175.400°E / -36.690; 175.400AdministrationNew ZealandDemographicsPopulation0 The Motukawao Islands are the northernmost of several small groups of islands that lie in the Hauraki Gulf off the west coast of the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. They lie some 5 kilometres (3.1 mi)...


Запросы «Чехов» и «Антон Чехов» перенаправляются сюда; см. также другие значения терминов Чехов и Антон Чехов. Антон Павлович Чехов Антон Чехов в 1889 году Имя при рождении Антонъ Павловичъ Чеховъ Псевдонимы Антоша Чехонте, Брат моего брата, Человек без селез...

The Narasaka–Prasad reduction, sometimes simply called Narasaka reduction, is a diastereoselective reduction of β-hydroxy ketones to the corresponding syn-dialcohols. The reaction employs a boron chelating agent, such as BBu2OMe, and a reducing agent, commonly sodium borohydride. This protocol was first discovered by Narasaka in 1984.[1] Scheme for the Narasaka–Prasad reduction The reaction proceeds through the 6-membered transition state shown below. Chelation by the boron agent...


This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. (October 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This article needs additional citations for ...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!