The plot revolves around the day-to-day life of an eccentric household consisting of a man only called Dadajan ("grandpa"), his socially inept sons, two granddaughters, a boarder, the manservant and the maid.
A drama about the daily comic incidents taking place in a Dhaka household, the series' opening episode begins with Konka, the younger granddaughter who breaks the fourth wall to introduce characters and premises to the audience. She and her elder sister Titli are fun-loving girls, both secretly in love with the boarder Anis, a nerd who doesn't seem to understand social stuff and never shows affection for any of them. Their father Jamil (Abul Hayat), the middle son and an architect by profession, is fond of Hason Raja songs and after losing his wife around the time when Konka was born, falls in love with an attractive, mature and intelligent woman named Meera, whom he hires as a governess. The eldest son, Asgor is an eminent psychiatrist and also falls in love with Meera. Meanwhile, Farhad, who looks like "Baker Bhai" becomes involved with the family. Asgor, being convinced by Titli and Konka, hypnotizes Anis to induce the loving soul of him and changes him completely. Anis, then run after Titli and expresses his love for her, and seeks love in turn. In the end, Farhad goes outside with the younger brother of the house to see the miseries of the poor people of the street, and the younger brother says, he does not need not to be a Himu anymore if Farhad becomes one.