The regiment was formed in 1917, as part of Polish II Corps in Russia, to be dissolved after the battle of Kaniow (May 12, 1918). Formed again in December 1918, as a merger of 6th Uhlan Regiment of Lwów Cavalry and 6th Uhlan regiment from Odessa. Its traditions were based on the 6th Duchy of Warsaw Uhlan Regiment and 6th Children of Warsaw Uhlan Regiment, both of which fought in the November Uprising.
Colonel Witold Radecki-Mikulicz (March 1928 – May 1930)
Colonel Stefan Liszko (1930–1939)
Roman Abraham: Wspomnienia wojenne znad Warty i Bzury. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1990. ISBN83-11-07712-6 (War memories from the Warta and Bzura)