Wilhelmina Feemster Jashemski and her colleagues have the opportunity to work on the previously undisturbed peristyle garden of the House of G. Polybius in Pompeii.
Fossils of a human premolar and 40 mammalian species excavated at Locality 4 in Zhoukoudian, China.
St Peter's Church, Dunwich, discovered submerged off the Suffolk coast of England by Stuart Bacon.
A large Song dynasty trade ship of c.1277 CE is dredged up from the waters near the southern coast of China with 12 compartments in its hull. It confirms the descriptions of bulkheaded hull compartments for junks in Zhu Yu's Pingzhou Table Talks of 1119.
Coles, John (1973). Archaeology by Experiment. London: Hutchinson University Library. ISBN0-09-116870-8.
Hawkes, Christopher; Hawkes, Sonia (eds.). Greeks, Celts, and Romans: studies in venture and resistance. London: Dent. ISBN0460078429.
Renfrew, Colin (1973). Before Civilisation: the Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe. London: Cape. ISBN0-224-00790-4.
Renfrew, Jane M. (1973). Palaeoethnobotany: the prehistoric food plants of the Near East and Europe. London: Methuen. ISBN0-416-16510-9.
May 19 - Alice Roberts, English evolutionary biologist, biological anthropologist and science and archaeology populariser
^Caubergs, M. (1997). "Les moulins souterrains du Col-des-Roches". Bulletin d'information trimestriel Groupe de recherches souterraines en milieu artificiel. 26: 3–10.