1963–1964 Massachusetts legislature

Massachusetts General Court
162nd 164th
Legislative bodyGeneral Court
TermJanuary 2, 1963 (1963-01-02) – July 4, 1964 (1964-07-04) [1]
Members40 [2]
PresidentJohn E. Powers
Majority LeaderMaurice A. Donahue
Minority LeaderPhilip A. Graham
Party controlDemocrat[2]
Members240 [3]
SpeakerJohn F. Thompson
Majority LeaderJohn Davoren
Majority WhipRobert H. Quinn
Minority LeaderSidney Curtiss
Minority WhipAlfred R. Shrigley
Party controlDemocrat[3]
John E. Powers
John Powers, Senate president.
John F. Thompson
John Thompson, House speaker.
Leaders of the Massachusetts General Court, 1963-1964.

The 163rd Massachusetts General Court, consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives, met in 1963 and 1964 during the governorship of Endicott Peabody. John E. Powers served as president of the Senate and John F. Thompson served as speaker of the House.[4]

On May 9, 1964, a special grand jury indicted House speaker Thompson on 29 counts of bribery.[5] On June 16, 1964, the General Court passed the bill establishing the University of Massachusetts Boston co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Maurice A. Donahue, Senator George V. Kenneally Jr., and House Majority Whip Robert H. Quinn along with a $200,000 appropriation.[6]


portrait name [4] date of birth [7] district [7]
Oliver F. Ames December 13, 1920 23rd Middlesex
Paul H. Benoit January 5, 1916
Charles A. Bisbee Jr. June 8, 1918
James F. Burke September 7, 1914
John J. Conte May 3, 1930
Leslie Bradley Cutler March 24, 1890
Maurice A. Donahue September 12, 1918 2nd Hampden
William Daniel Fleming April 14, 1907
Mary L. Fonseca March 30, 1915
A. Frank Foster February 8, 1910
Michael J. Galvin September 7, 1907
Joseph Francis Gibney January 9, 1911
Philip A. Graham May 21, 1910 3rd Essex
George D. Hammond October 29, 1906
John Edward Harrington Jr. July 30, 1930
Kevin B. Harrington January 9, 1929
William E. Hays November 28, 1903
James W. Hennigan Jr. March 27, 1927
Charles V. Hogan April 12, 1897
Newland H. Holmes August 30, 1891
Allan Francis Jones June 29, 1921
George V. Kenneally Jr. December 29, 1929
Fred I. Lamson December 11, 1910
James J. Long November 15, 1913
Francis X. McCann September 2, 1912
James S. McCormack
Denis L. Mckenna August 14, 1922
Charles William Olson August 24, 1889
John Francis Parker May 29, 1907
Philibert L. Pellegrini September 4, 1918
John E. Powers November 10, 1910 4th Suffolk
James Paul Rurak November 9, 1911
Harry Della Russo May 26, 1907
Antone L. Silva
Edmund R. St. John Jr. April 28, 1920
George A. Sullivan Jr.
Mario Umana May 5, 1914
William X. Wall July 1, 1904
Joseph D. Ward March 26, 1914
Stanley John Zarod April 11, 1920


portrait name [4] date of birth [7] district [7]
Walter T. Anderson January 6, 1891 23rd Middlesex
Julius Ansel April 27, 1908
John A. Armstrong June 12, 1901
Peter George Asiaf August 15, 1905
Normand J. Babineau January 4, 1928
John Dowkontt Barrus August 19, 1924
David M. Bartley February 9, 1935
Fred A. Baumeister September 24, 1892
Raymond H. Beach August 11, 1888
Roger L. Bernashe September 9, 1927
John T. Berry November 20, 1924
Francis Bevilacqua August 12, 1923
Donald T. Bliss 1937
Belden Bly September 29, 1914
Stanley Joseph Bocko August 26, 1920
Robert Joseph Bohigian July 24, 1922
Royal L. Bolling June 19, 1920
Gordon Dickson Boynton August 9, 1901
G. Edward Bradley October 21, 1906
Joseph G. Bradley June 14, 1930
John Cornelius Bresnahan November 14, 1919
Joseph E. Brett May 19, 1907
Alfred Sylvester Brothers[8] November 4, 1919
John Brox November 16, 1910
John Patrick Buckley 1906
Thaddeus M. Buczko February 23, 1926
Charles J. Buffone 1919
William Bulger February 2, 1934
George H. Burgeson December 25, 1907
Anthony Joseph Burke July 17, 1931
Walter T. Burke August 5, 1911
Louis Buttiglieri May 18, 1916
Patrick Edmund Callaghan August 13, 1895
Gardner E. Campbell November 22, 1886
Levin H. Campbell January 2, 1927
Raymond Edward Carey January 6, 1899
William A. Carey January 28, 1920
Daniel William Carney [9] August 17, 1925
Philip N. Carney June 6, 1919
Ralph W. Cartwright Jr. October 5, 1920
William J. Casey (Massachusetts politician) June 27, 1905
Paul A. Cataldo May 15, 1935
Michael Catino February 21, 1904
Emmett J. Cauley February 28, 1903
Paul J. Cavanaugh February 22, 1936
Robert L. Cawley July 30, 1934
Harrison Chadwick February 25, 1903
Perlie Dyar Chase July 31, 1905
Amelio Della Chiesa July 31, 1901
Stephen T. Chmura August 25, 1916
John George Clark February 26, 1902
Thomas Francis Coady Jr. May 8, 1905
Beryl Cohen September 18, 1934
Keith E. Collins April 24, 1929
Anthony M. Colonna May 2, 1916
James Francis Condon February 4, 1899
Lloyd E. Conn November 26, 1904
William Augustine Connell, Jr November 17, 1922
James C. Corcoran Jr. September 22, 1926
Beatrice Corliss October 21, 1910
Gilbert M. Coroa January 13, 1925
Leo Joseph Cournoyer December 11, 1905
Russell H. Craig February 4, 1924
Robert Q. Crane March 21, 1926
James J. Craven, Jr. March 24, 1919
Wallace Boyd Crawford November 19, 1908
John J. Cronin August 1, 1910
Walter A. Cuffe January 29, 1898
Sidney Curtiss September 4, 1917 7th Berkshire
Michael A. D'Avolio
Stephen Davenport June 27, 1924
John Davoren July 27, 1915 9th Worcester
Joseph Del Grosso July 25, 1904
James DeNormandie November 10, 1907
Arthur Leo Desrocher January 25, 1930
Theophile Jean DesRoches June 27, 1902
Gerard F. Doherty April 6, 1928
John F. Dolan September 7, 1922
Thomas Francis Donohue December 6, 1902
John F. Donovan Jr. August 21, 1931
Harold Lawrence Dower September 16, 1908
James P. Downey January 9, 1911
Charles Robert Doyle September 24, 1925
Charles E. Luke Driscoll October 1, 1909
Michael Dukakis November 3, 1933
Joseph D. Early January 31, 1933
John Marshall Eaton Jr. March 26, 1918
Arnold Irving Epstein April 5, 1920
Thomas Francis Fallon December 4, 1929
Manuel Faria March 7, 1906
Thomas F. Farrell October 10, 1897
Michael Paul Feeney March 26, 1907
Cornelius T. Finnegan Jr. December 13, 1918
William H. Finnegan March 29, 1926
Irving Fishman March 29, 1921
John Joseph Fitzgerald February 28, 1918
Charles L. Flannery March 22, 1920
Vernon R. Fletcher February 8, 1924
Maurice Richard Flynn Jr. December 20, 1917
Bernard J. Pat Foley July 20, 1917
Jeremiah J. Foley October 28, 1915
John Winslow Frenning July 19, 1922
Albert A. Gammal Jr. 1928
Julie Gilligan August 5, 1911
Ernest L. Goff Jr. October 10, 1907
Robert C. Hahn March 25, 1921
David Boyce Hamilton December 4, 1890
Samuel Harmon April 29, 1911
Edward D. Harrington Jr. August 11, 1921
David E. Harrison June 19, 1933
Francis W. Hatch Jr. May 6, 1925
Winston Healy October 20, 1937
Timothy William Hickey February 14, 1938
Herbert B. Hollis September 10, 1899
William P. Homans Jr. March 18, 1921
Charles Iannello April 25, 1906
John Peter Ivascyn October 19, 1909
John Janas September 4, 1910
Carl R. Johnson Jr. August 22, 1926
William F. Joyce July 26, 1909
Joseph M. Kearney February 23, 1927
James A. Kelly Jr. May 11, 1926
James H. Kelly October 15, 1919
Archibald E. Kenefick November 4, 1896
John P. Kennedy February 24, 1918
Gregory Benjamin Khachadoorian July 8, 1928
Cornelius F. Kiernan August 15, 1917
Philip Kimball June 6, 1918
William James Kingston October 17, 1909
Edward P. Kirby January 10, 1928
Benjamin Klebanow November 2, 1900
Freyda Koplow October 26, 1907
Walter Kostanski December 10, 1923
Albert Kramer July 4, 1933
Mitsie T. Kulig May 18, 1921
Matthew J. Kuss December 5, 1915
Richard E. Landry May 29, 1936
Joseph A. Langone, III January 25, 1917
Frank F. Lemos January 6, 1901
David H. Locke August 4, 1927
Gerald P. Lombard January 4, 1916
John J. Long December 10, 1927
William Longworth August 17, 1914
William Q. MacLean Jr. November 4, 1934
J. Robert Mahan December 14, 1903
Donald J. Manning June 23, 1929
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr. April 27, 1918
Thomas W. McGee May 24, 1924
Robert J. McGinn December 18, 1918
John J. McGlynn February 26, 1922
Allan McGuane July 26, 1928
James McIntyre (politician) May 25, 1930
Arthur James McKenna October 29, 1914
George G. Mendonca March 26, 1924
Paul C. Menton April 15, 1925
William James Moran June 24, 1921
William H. Mork May 13, 1895
Gerald J. Morrissey May 20, 1927
Edward S. Morrow March 20, 1921
Edwin Herbert Morse January 7, 1902
Charles A. Mullaly Jr. September 28, 1910
James Gerard Mullen May 5, 1922
Paul F. Murphy October 14, 1932
Paul Maurice Murphy February 24, 1932
Cornelius Joseph Murray August 19, 1890
Lorenz Francis Muther Jr. September 26, 1908
John J. Navin September 9, 1915
Michael Anthony Nazzaro Jr. June 2, 1925
Patrick William Nee November 22, 1938
Mary B. Newman February 15, 1909 2nd Middlesex
Thomas M. Newth March 15, 1911
James R. Nolen April 17, 1933
Leo James Normandin December 14, 1922
James Anthony O'Brien, Jr June 22, 1919
James Anthony O'Brien, Jr June 22, 1919
Walter Wilson O'Brien October 14, 1910
David J. O'Connor November 9, 1924
George Henry O'Farrell November 15, 1910
William F. Otis October 12, 1903
Domenick S. Pasciucco August 1, 1921
Albert P. Pettoruto September 29, 1915
Vite Pigaga
Lincoln Pope Jr. May 29, 1916
George William Porter November 6, 1885
Philip Andrew Quinn February 21, 1910
Robert H. Quinn January 30, 1928 12th Suffolk
William I. Randall September 13, 1915
Paul de Hoff Reed Jr.
Leo Joseph Reynolds February 29, 1920
Frank G. Rico June 2, 1912
Daniel H. Rider July 15, 1912
J. Hilary Rockett January 16, 1935
Harold Rosen (politician) 1906
Nathan Rosenfeld January 31, 1906
Raymond F. Rourke October 10, 1917
George Sacco July 19, 1936
Roger A. Sala August 8, 1893
Joseph Douglas Saulnier April 14, 1906
Anthony M. Scibelli October 16, 1911
Vincent Joseph Shanley January 27, 1916
Charles Louis Shea June 28, 1927
Thomas A. Sheehan March 21, 1933
Alfred R. Shrigley June 6, 1914 3rd Plymouth
Andre Rives Sigourney June 30, 1927
Milton Raymond Silva June 16, 1923
Michael John Simonelli May 9, 1913
Saul Simons February 5, 1906
George T. Smith March 18, 1888
Lawrence Philip Smith December 4, 1919
George William Spartichino June 11, 1924
George I. Spatcher February 2, 1902
Janet Kirkland Starr October 11, 1918
C. Clifford Stone August 20, 1897
Joseph A. Sylvia August 19, 1892
Frank Daniel Tanner February 3, 1888
John F. Thompson May 20, 1920 2nd Hampden
George Breed Thomson January 10, 1921
John Joseph Toomey March 25, 1909
Joseph Thomas Travaline
Henry Andrews Turner March 22, 1887
Warren A. Turner January 25, 1905
Leo J. Turo December 11, 1923
John Taylor Tynan June 7, 1920
Theodore Jack Vaitses May 8, 1901
Dave Norman Vigneault September 3, 1936
George B. Walsh March 21, 1907
Joseph B. Walsh November 15, 1923
Martin H. Walsh July 31, 1916
Chester H. Waterous November 18, 1905
Stephen Weekes February 1, 1925
Norman S. Weinberg 1919
Benjamin Horace White April 11, 1902
Thomas M. White
John W. Whittemore January 30, 1906
Harold H. Wicher
Arthur Williams December 14, 1915
Thomas Casmere Wojtkowski September 18, 1926
Albert H. Zabriskie December 7, 1917
Edward S. Zelazo May 27, 1924
Paul G. Zollo August 26, 1904

See also


  1. ^ "Length of Legislative Sessions". Manual for the Use of the General Court. Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2009. p. 348+.
  2. ^ a b "Composition of the Massachusetts State Senate", Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library, Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
  3. ^ a b "Composition of the State of Massachusetts House of Representatives", Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library, Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
  4. ^ a b c 1963–1964 Public Officers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1963 – via Internet Archive.
  5. ^ "Massachusetts Speaker and 25 Indicted in Corruption Inquiry", New York Times, May 9, 1964
  6. ^ Feldberg, Michael (2015). UMass Boston at 50: A Fiftieth-Anniversary History of the University of Massachusetts Boston. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 10–15. ISBN 978-1625341693.
  7. ^ a b c d "Annual Register of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government of Massachusetts, 1963" (PDF), Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – via State Library of Massachusetts
  8. ^ Black Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court: 1867-Present, State Library of Massachusetts, 2010, hdl:2452/48905
  9. ^ State Library of Massachusetts, "Massachusetts State Legislator's Papers Collections at the State Library", Mass.gov, retrieved September 3, 2020

Further reading

  • Manual for the Use of the General Court. Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1963. hdl:2452/40796.

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