At an investigation into judicial abuses, it is stated that one judge takes wine to excess, before taking his seat on the Bench; and that another habitually disregards the pertinent French law and applies the law of England.
Report that leaders of Shays Rebellion petitioned Dorchester for asylum and were turned down as former enemies of Britain, and now not so much[17]
$20 reward for "NegroWench" Bett, about 18, speaks English, French and German well, and is "big with child and within a few days of her time"[18]
Free lecture series at seminary running October-March on mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, geometry etc.) and March-August on military affairs[19]
Trials and joys of sailing from Montreal to Quebec City[20]
Stuffed skin once covered body that could "much mischief do, / It by the ladies too was much caress'd, / What more, Beau-reader, can be said of you?"[21]
Upper Canada
Legislative Council, claiming Great Lakes soil is fit for hemp and flax, says "policy requires that this great Country should be peopled"[22]
Mississaugas give up land on north side of Lake Ontario by signing "indenture," but land area and payment amount are not filled in until years later[23]
When British ask Six Nations their attitude to retaining frontier posts, chiefs rather ask how British will address and support their alliance[24]
Ship hits hidden rock off Jeddore Head and sinks in 5 minutes; one passenger "was almost drown'd" before getting into boat, but died hours later[42]
When young man dies in winter weather on Liverpool-Shelburne road, search party has "utmost Difficulty" separating his faithful dog from corpse[43]
Gazette printer announces German-languagealmanac for 1788 and newspaper to be published starting January 1[44]
Singing school to open for Halifax "young Gentlemen and Ladies" (over 10 years old) to learn "the Rules of Psalmody" for 3 months[45]
New Brunswick
All age 16-50 to join militia company or regiment, and "upon an alarm, invasion, insurrection or rebellion," Quakers and those age 51-60 must join too[46]
No deed or other land conveyance can deny right of dower to any wife unless she signs such deed and informs judge that she did so freely[47]
^"London, April 4; The Post Master General[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1103 (May 29, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, middle column). Accessed 27 April 2023
^"From the New-York Journal, of April 26," The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1137 (May 31, 1787), pgs. 1-2. (See also report ("May 29," pg. 2) that Massachusetts has repealed laws "repugnant" to peace treaty with Britain) Accessed 5 May 2023
^"To the Honourable the Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec" (April 18, 1787), A Review of the Government and Grievances of the Province of Quebec[....] (1788), pg. 90 (PDF pg. 102). (See also Legislative Council committee report (excerpt, PDF pgs. 67-9) arguing Loyalists and other immigrants should accept provincial laws) Accessed 3 May 2023
^Letter to Daniel Claus (Montreal, January 18, 1787), Library and Archives Canada. Accessed 11 May 2023
^Frederick Haldimand, "10 (June 1787)" (translation), Journal intime du Gen. Haldimand / Private Diary of Gen. Haldimand, pg. 227. Accessed 2 May 2023 (See also government official's observation that Lt. Gov. Hope advocates "the continuation of French Laws + Customs")
^"From Lord Dorchester to Lord Sydney" (January 16, 1787), Records of Niagara; 1784-1787 PDF pgs. 69-70. Accessed 9 May 2023
^"The four regiments of foot[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1100 (May 8, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, right column). (See also that in May 15 issue (Page 2 of 2, righthand page, left column), "in the present unsettled state of affairs," Washington turned down "the dignified Title of Protector") Accessed 27 April 2023
^"Halifax, October 30; Lord Dorchester[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1125 (October 30, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). (See also militia ordinance) Accessed 2 May 2023
^"Albany, May 3," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1104 (June 5, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, right column). Accessed 27 April 2023 (See also Abigail Adams' comment (and footnote) that Dorchester trying to accommodate Vermont trade)
^"Mr. Brown, King's Printer[....]" (February 26, 1787), The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1124 (March 1, 1787), pg. 2. (See also text of 1783 act) Accessed 4 May 2023
^Frederick Haldimand, "10 (June 1787)" (translation), Journal intime du Gen. Haldimand / Private Diary of Gen. Haldimand, pg. 227. Accessed 2 May 2023
^"A person, we are told[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1096 (April 10, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 27 April 2023
^"Ran-away[....]" (March 6, 1787), The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1125 (Cahier 1, March 8, 1787), pg. 2. (See also July advertisement (pg. 3) for sale of about-18-year-old trilingual Black woman) Accessed 4 May 2023
^"Monday, the first of October[....]," The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1155 (October 4, 1787), pg. 2. Accessed 5 May 2023
^"Poets Corner; The following lines[....]" (May 22, 1787), The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1137 (May 31, 1787), pg. 4. Accessed 5 May 2023
^Celia, "Epitaph" (Quebec, January 28, 1787), The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1120 (February 1, 1787), pg. 4. Accessed 4 May 2023
^"To the Officers & Others Employ'd in the Indn. Department; Deed from the Five Nations" (February 26, 1787, translation) Records of Niagara; 1784-9 PDF pgs. 11-12. Accessed 8 May 2023
^"Indians"The Present State of Nova Scotia; The Second Edition (1787), pgs. 68-82. Accessed 3 May 2023
^The Present State of Nova Scotia; The Second Edition (1787), pg. 130 Accessed 3 May 2023
^Charles Inglis, A Sermon Preached before His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, His Majesty's Council, and the House of Assembly[....] (November 25, 1787), pg. 31 footnote (PDF pg. 36). Accessed 2 May 2023
^"Extract of a letter from Halifax[....]" (March 2, 1787), The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1096 (April 10, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). (See also (on same page) proclamation listing agricultural products and lumber allowed in from U.S.A.) Accessed 27 April 2023
^Letter-to-the-editor of William Walter (January 2, 1787), The (Shelburne) Nova-Scotia Packet and General Advertiser, No. LXXXVIII (January 4, 1787), pg. 4 Accessed 3 May 2023
^"Halifax, July 24; The great success[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1111 (July 24, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 1 May 2023
^"An Act in Addition to, and Amendment of an Act made in the fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for regulating Servants," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1133 (December 25, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, left column). Accessed 2 May 2023
^"Halifax, April 10," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1096 (April 10, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 27 April 2023
^"Halifax, February 20; We have the Pleasure[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1089 (February 20, 1787), Page 3 of 3 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 26 April 2023
^"Halifax, July 10; To Mr. Anthony Henry, Printer" (June 30, 1787), The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1109 (July 10, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). Accessed 28 April 2023
^"A Correspondent who was at the Supreme Court[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1112 (July 31, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). (See also government notice (Page 2 of 2, righthand page, left column) requiring licensed retailers to clearly identify themselves) Accessed 1 May 2023
^"Halifax, May 1; The Brig Betsey[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1099 (May 1, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). Accessed 27 April 2023
^"Halifax, January 2," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1082 (January 2, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). Accessed 26 April 2023
^"To the Public; Nachricht" ()August 14, 1787), The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1114 (August 14, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). Accessed 1 May 2023
^"Reuben M'Farlen[....]" (December 18, 1787), The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1132 (December 18, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 2 May 2023
^Letter of Polly Dibblee to William Jarvis (November 17, 1787), Loyalist Women in New Brunswick, University of New Brunswick Libraries. Accessed 3 May 2023 (See also report of Quaker Loyalists feeding new neighbours as they move to New Brunswick)
^"Extract from the Royal Gazette and New-Brunswick Advertiser," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1084 (January 16, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, left column). Accessed 26 April 2023
^"Halifax, February 6; Extract of a Letter from St. Andrews, New Brunswick, dated January 1, 1787," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1087 (February 6, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, middle column). Accessed 26 April 2023
^"Shelburne, July 5; Extract of a Letter from New-Hampshire, dated June 22 [1787]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1110 (July 17, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (righthand page, left column). Accessed 1 May 2023
^"October [12], 1787," Journals of the Continental Congress, Volume 33, pg. 665 Accessed 15 May 2023
^Petter Ferber (after Jens Haven), "Hoffenthal in Labrador" (circa 1787), Memorial University of Newfoundland Digital Archives. Accessed 3 May 2023
^Alexander Mackenzie, "A General History of the Fur Trade from Canada to the North-West," Voyages from Montreal[...]through the Continent of North America[....] (1801), pgs. xix-xx Accessed 3 May 2023
^"St. John, November 6," The Quebec Gazette, Nomb. 1166 (December 20, 1787), pg. 3. Accessed 8 May 2023
^"London, September 29; Our great astronomer Mr. Herschel[....]," The Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle, Number 1130 (December 4, 1787), Page 2 of 2 (lefthand page, middle column). (See also Herschel's report of volcano to Royal Society) Accessed 2 May 2023