Matthew Arnold |
Ganwyd | 24 Rhagfyr 1822 Laleham |
Bu farw | 15 Ebrill 1888 Lerpwl |
Dinasyddiaeth | Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr ac Iwerddon |
Alma mater | |
Galwedigaeth | bardd, llenor, beirniad llenyddol, academydd, newyddiadurwr, arolygydd ysgol, awdur ysgrifau |
Cyflogwr | |
Adnabyddus am | The Scholar-Gypsy, Thyrsis, Dover Beach, Tristram and Iseult, To Marguerite: Continued, Sohrab and Rustum, Balder Dead, On Translating Homer, Culture and Anarchy |
Tad | Thomas Arnold |
Mam | Mary Penrose |
Priod | Frances Lucy Wightman |
Plant | Basil Arnold, Eleanore Mary Caroline Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Lucy Charlotte Arnold, Richard Penrose Arnold, Trevenen William Arnold |
Gwobr/au | Cymrawd Academi Celf a Gwyddoniaeth America, Newdigate Prize |
Roedd Matthew Arnold (24 Rhagfyr 1822 – 15 Ebrill 1888) yn fardd a llenor Saesneg.
Ganed Arnold yn Laleham, Middlesex, yn fab hynaf Dr. Thomas Arnold, prifathro Ysgol Rugby. Aeth i Brifysgol Rhydychen ac yn ddiweddarach daeth yn ysgrifennydd preifat yr Arglwydd Lansdowne. Trwy ddylanwad Lansdowne daeth yn Arolygydd Ysgolion yn 1851, a phriododd Lucy Wightman yr un flwyddyn.
Cyhoeddodd Arnold ei gyfrol gyntaf o gerddi yn 1849, ac yn fuan daeth yn adnabyddus fel bardd. Yn 1857 daeth yn Athro Barddoniaeth yn Rhydychen. Cyhoeddodd nifer o lyfrau ar lenyddiaeth: On Translating Homer" (1861, 1862) a On the Study of Celtic Literature (1867). Ei gerdd fwyaf adnabyddus bellach yw ei gerdd ddiweddar Dover Beach.
Gweithiau (anghyflawn)
- Alaric at Rome. A Prize Poem (1840)
- Cromwell. A Prize Poem (1843)
- The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems (1849)
- Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems (1852, 1900)
- Poems. A New Edition (1853)
- Poems. Second Series (1855)
- Merope. A Tragedy (1858)
- New Poems (1867)
- A Matthew Arnold Birthday Book (1883)
- The Works of Matthew Arnold (hrsg. v. G. W. E. Russell, 15 Bde.,1903)
- The Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold (hrsg. v. Tinker u. H. F. Lowry,1950)
- The Poems of Matthew Arnold (hrsg. v. Kenneth Allott, 1965)
Traethodau, Beirniadaeth Lenyddol a rhyddiaith arall
- England and the Italian Question (hrsg. v. Merle M. Bevington, 1859)
- The Popular Education of France, with Notices of That of Holland and Switzerland (1861)
- On Translating Homer. Three Lectures Given at Oxford (1861)
- On Translating Homer. Last Words. A Lecture Given at Oxford (1862)
- Heinrich Heine (1863)
- A French Eton; or, Middle Class Education and the State (1864)
- Essays in Criticism (1865)
- Schools and Universities on the Continent (1867)
- On the Modern Element in Literature (1869)
- Culture and Anarchy. An Essay in Political and Social Criticism (1869)
- Literature and Dogma. An Essay towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible (1873)
- Higher Schools and Universities in Germany (1874)
- God and the Bible. A Review of Objections to "Literature and Dogma" (1875)
- Last Essays on Church and Religion (1877)
- Mixed Essays (1879)
- The Study of Poetry (1880)
- Irish Essays, and Others (1882)
- Friendship's Garland Being the Conversations, Letters and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron von Thunder-ten-Tronckh (1883)
- On the Study of Celtic Literature (1883)
- St. Paul and Protestantism; with an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England (1883)
- Culture and Anarchy (1883)
- Discourses in America (1885)
- Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. In: Encyclopedia Britannica, neunte Auflage, IX: S. 162-165 (1886)
- Education Department (1886) Special Report on Certain Points Connected with Elementary Education in Germany, Switzerland, and France
- General Grant: An Estimate (1887)
- Schools: In The Reign of Queen Victoria (hrsg. v. T. H. Ward, II: S. 238-279, 1887)
- Essays in Criticism. Second Series (1888)
- Civilization in the United States. First and Last Impressions of America (1888)
- Reports on Elementary Schools 1852-1882 (hrsg. v. Sir Francis Sandford,1889)