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Republik Filipina Nama Pambansang Watawat Pemakaian Bendera dan bendera kapal nasional Perbandingan 1:2 Dipakai 12 Juni 1898 Rancangan Bendera triwarna, warna biru (atas), warna merah (bawah) dan warna putih berbentu segitiga yang didalamnya terdapat tiga bintang emas bersegi lima dan ksatu matahari emas dengan delapan sinar. Perancang Emilio Aguinaldo Varian bendera Republik Filipina Nama Bendera masa perang Pemakaian Bendera kapal perang Rasio bendera: 1:2 Bendera Filipina, dalam Bahasa Tag...

German Jesuit preacher and writer Franz Neumayr Franz Neumayr (17 January 1697 – 1 May 1765) was a German Jesuit preacher, writer on theological, controversial and ascetical subjects, and author of many Latin dramas on sacred themes. Life He was born at Munich, entered the Society of Jesus 3 October 1712, and after his studies in the Society, taught rhetoric and belles lettres for ten years. He then for two years preached on the missions, and he was made director of the Latin sodality a...

هذه المقالة بحاجة لصندوق معلومات. فضلًا ساعد في تحسين هذه المقالة بإضافة صندوق معلومات مخصص إليها. هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (سبتمبر 2023) هذه مقالة غير مراجعة. ينبغي أن يزال هذا القالب بعد أن يراجع

متلازمة كورنيليا دي لانج معلومات عامة الاختصاص علم الوراثة الطبية من أنواع متلازمة، واضطراب جيني، ومرض المظهر السريري الأعراض إعاقة ذهنية[1][2][3] التاريخ سُمي باسم كورنيليا كاثارينا دي لانج تعديل مصدري - تعديل متلازمة كورنيليا دي لانج (ب...

Літера Ү Unicode (hex) велика: U+04AE мала: U+04AF Кирилиця А Б В Г Ґ Д Ѓ Ђ Е Ѐ Є Ё Ж З З́ Ѕ И Ѝ І Ї Й Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С С́ Т Ћ Ќ У Ў Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я Неслов'янські літери А̄ А́ А̀ Ӑ А̂ А̊ Ӓ Ӓ̄ А̃ А̨ Ә Ә́ Ә̃ Ӛ Ӕ Ғ Г̧ Г̑ Г̄ Ӻ Ӷ Ԁ Ԃ Ꚃ Ꚁ Ꚉ Ԫ Ԭ Ӗ Е̄ Е̃ Ё̄ Є̈ Ӂ Җ Ꚅ Ӝ Ԅ Ҙ Ӟ Ԑ Ԑ̈ Ӡ Ԇ Ӣ И̃ Ҋ Ӥ Қ Ӄ Ҡ Ҟ Ҝ Ԟ Ԛ Ӆ Ԯ Ԓ ...

One Piece - I misteri dell'isola meccanicaUn fotogramma del filmTitolo originaleONE PIECE THE MOVIE カラクリ城のメカ巨兵Wan Pīsu Za Mūbī: Karakuri-jō no meka kyohei Lingua originalegiapponese Paese di produzioneGiappone Anno2006 Durata94 min Rapporto1,78:1 Genereanimazione, avventura, commedia RegiaKōnosuke Uda SceneggiaturaMasahiro Itō ProduttoreYusuke Okada, Hiroshi Takahashi, Noritaka Yamaji, Kazutoshi Seki, Atsushi Takeuchi Casa di produzioneToei Company, Toei Anim...

Center Harbor redirects here. Not to be confused with Harbor Centre (disambiguation). Town in New Hampshire, United StatesCenter Harbor, New HampshireTownKona Fountain in the center of town, 2007 SealMotto: Winter Home of the M/S Mt. WashingtonLocation in Belknap County, New HampshireCoordinates: 43°42′29″N 71°27′49″W / 43.70806°N 71.46361°W / 43.70806; -71.46361CountryUnited StatesStateNew HampshireCountyBelknapIncorporated1797Government • ...

Rumah K.R.T. Hardjonagoro di Surakarta Go Tik Swan, umumnya dikenal dengan nama K.R.T. Hardjonagoro (lahir pada 11 Mei 1931—5 November 2008)[1] adalah seorang budayawan dan sastrawan Indonesia yang menetap di Surakarta. Ia dilahirkan sebagai putra sulung keluarga Tionghoa yang termasuk golongan Cabang Atas atau priyayi Tionghoa di kota Solo (Surakarta). Karena kedua orangtuanya sibuk dengan pekerjaan mereka, Tik Swan diasuh oleh kakeknya dari pihak ibu, Tjan Khay Sing, seorang pengu...

American white supremacist terrorist hate group KKK and Klansman redirect here. For other uses, see Clansman (disambiguation) and KKK (disambiguation). Ku Klux KlanThe Duke Flag, used by some in the Third Klan and named after former Klan leader David Duke. The Blood Drop Cross is shown in the centre.[1]In existenceFirst Klan: 1865–1872Second Klan: 1915–1944Third Klan: 1946/1950–presentFounded inPulaski, Tennessee, U.S. (first Klan)Stone Mountain, Georgia, U.S. (second and third ...

Medalla del Centenario de la Virgen del Pilar Medalla (Anverso)Otorgada por el Arzobispado Castrense de España para la Guardia Civil.Tipo Condecoración MilitarLema UN SIGLO DE PROTECCIÓN, CIEN AÑOS DE GRATITUDElegibilidad Personal de la Guardia Civil y familiares en primer grado, personal de las Fuerzas Armadas y personal funcionario civil y laboral con servicios en el Cuerpo, alumnos de los centros de formación y colegios de la Guardia Civil, antiguos alumnos de los colegios, directores...

The following is a list of indoor arenas in Canada with a capacity of at least 1,000 for sporting events. The arenas in the table are ranked by capacity; the arenas with the highest capacities are listed first. Current arenas Canada's largest indoor arenas by seating capacity for ice hockey. Rows shaded in yellow indicates arenas that are home to an NHL and/or NBA franchise. # Image Arena City Province/ter. Maximum Hockey Basketb. Pro Jr. Major tenant(s) Built 1 Bell Centre Montreal Quebec 21...

African Mountain Running ChampionshipsSportMountain runningFounded2009ContinentAfrica (CAA) The African Mountain Running Championships was an annual Mountain running competition organized by the CAA for athletes representing the countries of its member associations. The event was established in 2009 and ceased in 2014.[1] Editions Year City Country Date I 2009 Obudu Ranch Park, Cross River State Nigeria November 28 II 2010 Obudu Ranch Park, Cross River State Nigeria Novemb...

Stasiun Tomine富根駅Stasiun Tomine (31 Mei 2011)Lokasi9 Machigashira, Futatsuimachi-Tobune, Noshiro-shi, Akita-kenJepangKoordinat40°13′4.60″N 140°10′21.25″E / 40.2179444°N 140.1725694°E / 40.2179444; 140.1725694Koordinat: 40°13′4.60″N 140°10′21.25″E / 40.2179444°N 140.1725694°E / 40.2179444; 140.1725694Pengelola JR EastJalur■ Jalur Utama ŌuLetak dari pangkal365.5 kilometer dari FukushimaJumlah peron2 peron sampingIn...

Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Makawao is a parish of the Roman Catholic Church of Hawaii in the United States. Located in Makawao on the island of Maui, the church falls under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Honolulu and its bishop. It is named after Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus. History The church is located at 1294 Makawao Avenue, 20°51′22″N 156°18′29″W / 20.85611°N 156.30806°W / 20.85611; -156.30806. The first church in the area was built by Fa...

Private liberal arts college in Clinton, New York This article is about the college in Clinton, New York. For other uses, see Hamilton College (disambiguation). For the college in Hamilton, New York, and the Hamilton Literary & Theological Institution (1823–1846), see Colgate University. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article needs additional citations for veri...

Egale CanadaFormation1986; 37 years ago (1986)FounderLes McAfeeTypeNonprofit advocacy organizationPurposeLGBTQ research, education, awareness and legal advocacyHeadquartersToronto, Ontario, CanadaOfficial language English and FrenchExecutive DirectorHelen KennedyRevenue (2022) $4.7 million [1]Expenses (2022)$4.6 million [2]Staff (2023) 50+Websiteegale.caFormerly calledEquality for Gays And Lesbians Everywhere Egale Canada (formerly Equality for Gays And Lesbi...
Calendar year Millennium: 2nd millennium Centuries: 18th century 19th century 20th century Decades: 1800s 1810s 1820s 1830s 1840s Years: 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1827 by topic Humanities Archaeology Architecture Art Literature Poetry Music By country Australia Brazil Canada China Denmark France Germany New Zealand Norway Portugal South Africa Spain Sweden United Kingdom United States Other topics Rail transport Science Sports Lists of leaders Sovereign states Sov...

504 ← 505 → 506素因数分解 5×101二進法 111111001三進法 200201四進法 13321五進法 4010六進法 2201七進法 1321八進法 771十二進法 361十六進法 1F9二十進法 155二十四進法 L1三十六進法 E1ローマ数字 DV漢数字 五百五大字 五百五算木 505(五百五、ごひゃくご)は自然数、また整数において、504の次で506の前の数である。 性質 505は合成数であり、約数は 1, 5, 101, 505 である。 約数の...

Ancient Hellenistic baths in Sicily 37°4′21.38″N 14°13′49.66″E / 37.0726056°N 14.2304611°E / 37.0726056; 14.2304611 Greek baths of GelaLocationGela, Caltanissetta, Sicily, ItalyHistoryCulturesAncient GreeceSite notesExcavation dates1957ManagementSoprintendenza di CaltanissettaPublic accessyes The Greek Baths of Gela are ancient baths which were discovered in 1957, near the Ospizio di Mendicità on via Europa, Capo Soprano, which date to the Hellen...

Sikorsky H-34 Choctaw (Sebutan perusahaan S-58) adalah sebuah helikopter bermesin piston militer yang awalnya dirancang oleh produsen pesawat Sikorsky Amerika untuk Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat untuk layanan dalam perang anti-kapal selam (ASW) . Sikorsky H-34s sejak menjabat sebagai transportasi sebagian besar media di setiap benua dengan angkatan bersenjata dari dua puluh lima negara - dari pertempuran di Aljazair, Republik Dominika, Nikaragua, dan seluruh Asia Tenggara, untuk menyelamatkan...