Woqooyi Galbeed fou una regió de Somàlia i de Somalilàndia que va existir del 1982 fins al 1992 (1982 a 1991 a Somàlia, i 1991-1992 a Somalilàndia). En aquest darrer any fou dividida en Maroodi Jeex i Saaxil.[1]
↑The Regional and District Courts of Berbera was established in 1992, and is a composite court. This means that the court acts both as a Regional and District Court as in Gabiley. In Saaxil region there is no Court of Appeal, and the Appeal Court of Galbeed in Hargeysa has appellate jurisdiction over Saaxil territory. Besides, Saaxil is a recent establishment as it was divided between Galbeed (Berbera) and Togdheer (Sheikh); trobat a http://storm.prohosting.com/mbali/doc113.htm[Enllaç no actiu]