Professor Robert Jameson, FRSFRSE (11 de juliol de 1774 – 19 d'abril de 1854) va ser un naturalista i mineralòleg escocès. Va ser Regius Professor a la Universitat d'Edinburgh durant 50 anys, Jameson va ser professor de geologia de Charles Darwin.
Jameson nasqué a Leith.[1] A la Universitat d'Edimburg estudià medicina, botànica química i història natural.
Cap a 1793, Jameson se centrà en la geologia i la mineralogia.
(1798) The Mineralogy of the Shetland Islands and of Arran.
(1800) Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles.
(1804) System of Mineralogy.
(1805) Mineralogical Description of Scotland, vol. i, part I.
(1809) Elements of Geognosy.
(1813) Mineralogical Travels through the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands.
(1821) Manual of Mineralogy.
With James Wilson and Hugh Murray, (1830) Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time: with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy, and zoology. With a map; plans of the routes of Park, and of Denham and Clapperton; several engravings. First published in the Edinburgh Cabinet Library, 1830.
Dictionary of Scientific Biography, volume II, (New York, Scribner's, 1981)
Encyclopædia Britannica, vol 12, (London, William Benton, 1964)
Birse, Ronald M, Science at the University of Edinburgh 1583–1993, (Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, 1994)
Devlin-Thorp, Sheila, Scotland's Cultural Heritage, (Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, 1981)
Gillispie, Charles Clouston (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography, vol vii, (New York, Scribner's, 1972)
Grant, Alexander, The Story of the University of Edinburgh During its First 300 Years, vol.2, (London, Longmans, Green & Co, 1884)
Seymour Fort, G. (1918) Dr Jameson. London: Hurst and Blackett, Ltd., Paternoster House, E.C. – Biography of Sir Leander Starr Jameson, which notes that Starr's '...chief Gamaliel, however, was a Professor Grant, a man of advanced age, who had been a pupil of his great-uncle, the Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh.' (p. 53).
See University of Edinburgh Library Special Collections Division: Robert Jameson's Papers; Sources of Biographical History are derived from the University of Edinburgh webpages [1]Arxivat 2005-11-09 a Wayback Machine..