নভোখেয়াযান মিশনসমূহের তালিকা

নভোখেয়াযান প্রোফাইল

নভোখেয়াযান উড্ডয়নের তালিকা

ক্রম দিবস বছর অভিযান খেয়াযান সময়কাল অবতরণের স্থান মন্তব্য
(1) August 12 1977 ALT-12[১] Enterprise 0d 0h 5m Edwards First free flight of Space Shuttle
(2) September 13 1977 ALT-13 Enterprise 0d 0h 5m Edwards Second free flight
(3) September 23 1977 ALT-14 Enterprise 0d 0h 5m Edwards Third free flight
(4) October 12 1977 ALT-15 Enterprise 0d 0h 2m Edwards Fourth free flight; first flight without tailcone (operational configuration)
(5) October 26 1977 ALT-16 Enterprise 0d 0h 2m Edwards Final free flight
1 April 12 1981 STS-1 Columbia 2d 6h Edwards First reusable spacecraft flight; first flight of Columbia
2 November 12 1981 STS-2 Columbia 2d 6h Edwards Truncated due to fuel cell problem
3 March 22 1982 STS-3 Columbia 8d 0h White Sands Shuttle R&D flight, first and only landing at White Sands, New Mexico
4 June 27 1982 STS-4 Columbia 7d 1h Edwards Last shuttle R&D flight
5 November 11 1982 STS-5 Columbia 5d 2h Edwards Multiple comsat launches
6 April 4 1983 STS-6 Challenger 5d 0h Edwards TDRS launch; first flight of Challenger
7 June 18 1983 STS-7 Challenger 6d 2h Edwards Multiple comsat launches
8 August 30 1983 STS-8 Challenger 6d 1h Edwards Comsat launch
9 November 28 1983 STS-9 Columbia 10d 7h Edwards Spacelab mission
10 February 3 1984 STS-41-B Challenger 7d 23h Kennedy Comsat launches, first untethered spacewalk; first landing at KSC
11 April 6 1984 STS-41-C Challenger 6d 23h Edwards Solar Max servicing, LDEF launch
12 August 30 1984 STS-41-D Discovery 6d 0h Edwards Multiple comsat launches; first flight of Discovery
13 October 5 1984 STS-41-G Challenger 8d 5h Kennedy Earth Radiation Budget Satellite launch
14 November 8 1984 STS-51-A Discovery 7d 23h Kennedy Multiple comsat launches
15 January 24 1985 STS-51-C Discovery 3d 1h Kennedy Magnum satellite launch
16 April 12 1985 STS-51-D Discovery 6d 23h Kennedy Multiple comsat launches
17 April 29 1985 STS-51-B Challenger 7d 0h Edwards Spacelab mission
18 June 17 1985 STS-51-G Discovery 7d 1h Edwards Multiple comsat launches
19 July 29 1985 STS-51-F Challenger 7d 22h Edwards Spacelab mission
20 August 27 1985 STS-51-I Discovery 7d 2h Edwards Multiple comsat launches
21 October 3 1985 STS-51-J Atlantis 4d 1h Edwards DSCS satellite launch; first flight of Atlantis
22 October 30 1985 STS-61-A Challenger 7d 0h Edwards Spacelab mission, last successful mission of Challenger before STS-51-L
23 November 26 1985 STS-61-B Atlantis 6d 21h Edwards Multiple comsat launches
24 January 12 1986 STS-61-C Columbia 6d 2h Edwards Comsat launch
25 January 28 1986 STS-51-L Challenger 73sec N/A Planned TDRS launch, Loss of vehicle and crew
26 September 29 1988 STS-26 Discovery 4d 1h Edwards TDRS launch; first post Challenger flight
November 15 1988 1K1 Buran 1.01 0d 3h 25 min Baikonur Russian unmanned test flight
27 December 2 1988 STS-27 Atlantis 4d 9h Edwards Lacrosse 1 launch
28 March 13 1989 STS-29 Discovery 4d 23h Edwards TDRS launch
29 May 4 1989 STS-30 Atlantis 4d 0h Edwards Magellan Venus probe launch
30 August 8 1989 STS-28 Columbia 5d 1h Edwards Satellite Data System launch
31 October 18 1989 STS-34 Atlantis 4d 23h Edwards Galileo Jupiter probe launch
32 November 22 1989 STS-33 Discovery 5d 0h Edwards Magnum satellite launch
33 January 9 1990 STS-32 Columbia 10d 21h Edwards SYNCOM IV-F5 satellite launch
34 February 28 1990 STS-36 Atlantis 4d 10h Edwards Misty reconnaissance satellite launch
35 April 24 1990 STS-31 Discovery 5d 1h Edwards Hubble Space Telescope launch
36 October 6 1990 STS-41 Discovery 4d 2h Edwards Ulysses solar probe launch
37 November 15 1990 STS-38 Atlantis 4d 21h Kennedy Magnum satellite launch
38 December 2 1990 STS-35 Columbia 8d 23h Edwards Use of ASTRO-1 observatory
39 April 5 1991 STS-37 Atlantis 5d 23h Edwards Compton Gamma Ray Observatory launch
40 April 28 1991 STS-39 Discovery 8d 7h Kennedy First unclassified DoD mission
41 June 5 1991 STS-40 Columbia 9d 2h Edwards Spacelab mission
42 August 2 1991 STS-43 Atlantis 8d 21h Kennedy TDRS launch
43 September 12 1991 STS-48 Discovery 5d 8h Edwards Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite launch
44 November 24 1991 STS-44 Atlantis 6d 22h Edwards DSP satellite launch
45 January 22 1992 STS-42 Discovery 8d 1h Edwards Spacelab mission
46 March 24 1992 STS-45 Atlantis 8d 22h Kennedy ATLAS-1 science platform
47 May 7 1992 STS-49 Endeavour 8d 21h Edwards Intelsat VI repair; first flight of Endeavour
48 June 25 1992 STS-50 Columbia 13d 19h Kennedy Spacelab mission
49 July 31 1992 STS-46 Atlantis 7d 23h Kennedy Attempted tethered satellite deployment
50 September 12 1992 STS-47 Endeavour 7d 22h Kennedy Spacelab mission
51 October 22 1992 STS-52 Columbia 9d 20h Kennedy LAGEOS II, microgravity experiments
52 December 2 1992 STS-53 Discovery 7d 7h Edwards Classified DoD satellite launch
53 January 13 1993 STS-54 Endeavour 5d 23h Kennedy TDRS launch
54 April 8 1993 STS-56 Discovery 9d 6h Kennedy ATLAS-2 science platform
55 April 26 1993 STS-55 Columbia 9d 23h Edwards Spacelab mission
56 June 21 1993 STS-57 Endeavour 9d 23h Kennedy SPACEHAB, EURECA
57 September 12 1993 STS-51 Discovery 9d 20h Kennedy ACTS satellite launched
58 October 18 1993 STS-58 Columbia 14d 0h Edwards Spacelab mission
59 December 2 1993 STS-61 Endeavour 10d 19h Kennedy Hubble Space Telescope servicing
60 February 3 1994 STS-60 Discovery 7d 6h Kennedy SPACEHAB, Wake Shield Facility
61 March 4 1994 STS-62 Columbia 13d 23h Kennedy Microgravity experiments
62 April 9 1994 STS-59 Endeavour 11d 5h Kennedy Space Radar Laboratory-1
63 July 8 1994 STS-65 Columbia 14d 17h Kennedy Spacelab mission
64 September 9 1994 STS-64 Discovery 10d 22h Edwards Multiple science experiments; SPARTAN
65 September 30 1994 STS-68 Endeavour 11d 5h Edwards Space Radar Laboratory-2
66 November 3 1994 STS-66 Atlantis 10d 22h Edwards ATLAS-3 science platform
67 February 3 1995 STS-63 Discovery 8d 6h Kennedy Mir flyaround
68 March 2 1995 STS-67 Endeavour 16d 15h Edwards ASTRO-2
69 June 27 1995 STS-71 Atlantis 9d 19h Kennedy First Shuttle-Mir docking
70 July 13 1995 STS-70 Discovery 8d 22h Kennedy TDRS launch
71 September 7 1995 STS-69 Endeavour 10d 20h Kennedy Wake Shield Facility, SPARTAN
72 October 20 1995 STS-73 Columbia 15d 21h Kennedy Spacelab mission
73 November 12 1995 STS-74 Atlantis 8d 4h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
74 January 11 1996 STS-72 Endeavour 8d 22h Kennedy Retrieved Japan's Space Flyer Unit
75 February 22 1996 STS-75 Columbia 15d 17h Kennedy Tethered satellite
76 March 22 1996 STS-76 Atlantis 9d 5h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
77 May 19 1996 STS-77 Endeavour 10d 0h Kennedy SPACEHAB; SPARTAN
78 June 20 1996 STS-78 Columbia 16d 21h Kennedy Spacelab mission
79 September 16 1996 STS-79 Atlantis 10d 3h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
80 November 19 1996 STS-80 Columbia 17d 15h Kennedy Wake Shield Facility; ASTRO-SPAS
81 January 12 1997 STS-81 Atlantis 10d 4h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
82 February 11 1997 STS-82 Discovery 9d 23h Kennedy Hubble Space Telescope servicing
83 April 4 1997 STS-83 Columbia 3d 23h Kennedy Truncated due to fuel cell problem
84 May 15 1997 STS-84 Atlantis 9d 5h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
85 July 1 1997 STS-94 Columbia 15d 16h Kennedy Spacelab mission
86 August 7 1997 STS-85 Discovery 11d 20h Kennedy CRISTA-SPAS
87 September 25 1997 STS-86 Atlantis 10d 19h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
88 November 19 1997 STS-87 Columbia 15d 16h Kennedy Microgravity experiments
89 January 22 1998 STS-89 Endeavour 8d 19h Kennedy Shuttle-Mir docking
90 April 17 1998 STS-90 Columbia 15d 21h Kennedy Spacelab mission
91 June 2 1998 STS-91 Discovery 9d 19h Kennedy Last Shuttle-Mir docking
92 October 29 1998 STS-95 Discovery 8d 21h Kennedy SPACEHAB; John Glenn flies again
93 December 4 1998 STS-88 Endeavour 11d 19h Kennedy First ISS assembly flight: Node 1
94 May 27 1999 STS-96 Discovery 9d 19h Kennedy ISS supply
95 July 23 1999 STS-93 Columbia 4d 22h Kennedy Chandra X-Ray Observatory launch
96 December 19 1999 STS-103 Discovery 7d 23h Kennedy Hubble Space Telescope servicing
97 February 11 2000 STS-99 Endeavour 11d 5h Kennedy Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
98 May 19 2000 STS-101 Atlantis 9d 21h Kennedy ISS supply
99 September 8 2000 STS-106 Atlantis 11d 19h Kennedy ISS supply
100 October 11 2000 STS-92 Discovery 12d 21h Edwards ISS assembly flight 3A: Z1 truss
101 November 30 2000 STS-97 Endeavour 10d 19h Kennedy ISS assembly 4A: P6 solar arrays, radiators
102 February 7 2001 STS-98 Atlantis 12d 21h Edwards ISS assembly 5A: Destiny lab
103 March 8 2001 STS-102 Discovery 12d 19h Kennedy ISS supply, crew rotation
104 April 19 2001 STS-100 Endeavour 11d 21h Edwards ISS assembly 6A: robotic arm
105 July 12 2001 STS-104 Atlantis 12d 18h Kennedy ISS assembly 7A: Joint Airlock
106 August 10 2001 STS-105 Discovery 11d 21h Kennedy ISS supply, crew rotation
107 December 5 2001 STS-108 Endeavour 11d 19h Kennedy ISS supply, crew rotation
108 March 1 2002 STS-109 Columbia 10d 22h Kennedy Hubble Space Telescope servicing, last successful mission for Columbia before STS-107
109 April 8 2002 STS-110 Atlantis 10d 19h Kennedy ISS assembly 8A: S0 truss
110 June 5 2002 STS-111 Endeavour 13d 20h Edwards ISS supply, crew rotation, Mobile Base System
111 October 7 2002 STS-112 Atlantis 10d 19h Kennedy ISS assembly 9A: S1 truss
112 November 23 2002 STS-113 Endeavour 13d 18h Kennedy ISS assembly 11A: P1 truss, crew rotation
113 January 16 2003 STS-107 Columbia 15d 22h N/A SPACEHAB; Loss of vehicle and crew
114 July 26 2005 STS-114 Discovery 13d 21h Edwards First post Columbia flight. Flight safety evaluation/testing, ISS supply/repair, MPLM Raffaello
115 July 4 2006 STS-121 Discovery 12d 18h Kennedy ISS Flight ULF1.1: Supply, crew rotation, MPLM Leonardo
116 September 9 2006 STS-115 Atlantis 11d 19h Kennedy ISS Assembly Flight 12A: P3/P4 Truss, Solar Arrays
117 December 9 2006 STS-116 Discovery 12d 21h Kennedy ISS Assembly Flight 12A.1: P5 Truss & Spacehab-SM, crew rotation
Planned missions
118 March 16 2007 STS-117 Atlantis ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 13A: S3/S4 Truss, Solar Arrays
119 June 28 2007 STS-118 Endeavour ~12d ISS Assembly Flight 13A.1: S5 Truss & Spacehab-SM & ESP3, crew rotation
120 September 7 2007 STS-120 Atlantis ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 10A: US Node 2
121 November 27 2007 STS-122 Discovery ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 1E: European Laboratory "Columbus"
122 January 14 2008 STS-123 Endeavour ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 1J/A: JEM ELM PS & SPDM
123 February 29 2008 STS-124 Atlantis ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 1J: JEM - Japanese module "Kibo" & JEM RMS
124 April 17 2008 STS-125 Discovery ~11d Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission (HST SM-04)
Final Non-ISS flight.
125 June 19 2008 STS-119 Endeavour ~11d ISS Assembly Flight 15A: S6 Truss, Solar Arrays
126 August 21 2008 STS-126 Atlantis ISS Flight ULF2: MPLM Leonardo. Final flight of Atlantis
127 October 9 2008 STS-127 Discovery ISS Assembly Flight 2J/A: JEM Exposed Facility (EF) & JEM ELM ES
128 January 15 2009 STS-128 Endeavour ISS Assembly Flight 17A: MPLM Donatello & 6 person ISS crew
129 April 9 2009 STS-129 Discovery ISS Flight ULF3: Express 1 & AMS-02
Final flight of Discovery unless CLF is made.
130 July 9 2009 STS-130 Endeavour ISS Assembly Flight 19A: MPLM Donatello
131 January 14 2010 STS-132 Endeavour ISS Assembly Flight 20A: US Node 3 & Cupola
Final shuttle mission, unless contingency flights are made.
Contingency Logistic Flights
* (131 if flown) October 1 2009 STS-131 Discovery ISS Flight ULF4: Contingency Logistic Flight (CLF), Express 3 & 4.
* (133 if flown) July 9 2010 STS-133 Endeavour ISS Flight ULF5: Contingency Logistic Flight (CLF), Express 1 & 5.
Special missions
* never flew 2005-6 STS-300 Atlantis ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Discovery in space, Mission 114/121.
* never flew 2006 STS-301 Discovery ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Atlantis in space, Mission STS-115.
* never flew 2007 STS-317 Atlantis ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Discovery in space, Mission STS-116.
* June 9 2007 STS-318 Endeavour ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Atlantis in space, Mission STS-117.
* August 24 2007 STS-320 Atlantis ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Endeavour in space, Mission STS-118.
* September 28 2007 STS-322 Discovery ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Atlantis in space, Mission STS-120.
* November 24 2007 STS-323 Endeavour ~11d Rescue Mission for damaged or stranded shuttle Discovery in space, Mission STS-122.
  1. ^ The Approach and Landing Test Programme encompassed 16 separate tests of Enterprise, covering taxi tests, unmanned and manned flights on the SCA and finally the free flight tests.



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