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Dengue Fever is a disease caused by the Dengue virus which is spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito through its bite, and has a flight range of up to 100 meters, so it spreads very quickly. Dengue fever or what we usually call DHF causes the number of platelets to drop dramatically, causing internal bleeding which results in damage to the body's organs and healthy tissue cells. Until now, there is no specific drug that is used to cure dengue fever.

Medical personnel will usually advise people with dengue fever to take acetaminophen and aspirin to treat several symptoms such as fever, relieve pain, and prevent bleeding. But that doesn't mean there aren't other alternatives we can try to treat dengue fever, especially to stabilize the platelet count in the sufferer's own body, namely by using natural ingredients. Nature has provided various needs for us, including for the treatment of dengue fever. The following are 5 natural ingredients to treat dengue fever that we can use.

1. Angkak

Many studies have been conducted to prove Angkak as a natural remedy for dengue fever. It should be noted, Angkak is a type of red rice from China which is fermented with Monascus purpureus yeast. A study from IPB in 2012 showed that giving Angkak capsules could increase platelets in white rats with thrombocytopenia (low levels of platelets in the blood).

As we know that DHF patients have low platelet levels which makes their disease worse. By administering Angkak which can help increase platelet levels, it is likely that DHF patients will recover more quickly.

2. Guava juice

Dengue fever natural remedy

Guava fruit contains thrombinol which can stimulate thrombopoietin to become more active thereby triggering the formation of new blood platelets. Then, because DHF sufferers must eat food or drinks that are easily digested, guava must be processed into soft juice first. The water content is also good for preventing dehydration.

Guava is rich in quercetin, which is a natural chemical compound that can be found in various types of fruits and vegetables. Quercetin can suppress the growth of the dengue virus in the body of a DHF patient. So, don't miss the benefits of guava to fight viral infections naturally.

3. Papaya leaves

Two researchers from India have reviewed research reports that have been conducted and found that papaya leaf extract can help increase the number of platelets in the blood of someone who has dengue hemorrhagic fever. This is presumably because papaya leaves can help stabilize the cell walls of platelets so they are not easily destroyed by the dengue virus.

You can use 50 grams of papaya leaves as a natural remedy for dengue fever by washing them first with water until they are clean. After that, mash the leaves until smooth, but don't turn them into powder. Then, you can mix water and squeeze the crushed papaya leaf juice. Drink papaya leaf water 3 times a day.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea is a type of herb commonly used to treat colds and flu in North America. According to the Pakistan Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research, echinacea can trigger the production of additional proteins and interferons, in response to bacterial and viral attacks. Therefore, echinacea can boost the immune system by optimizing the ability of white blood cells to deal with viral infections, including dengue virus.

5. Eat fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C which is also known as ascorbic acid has several important roles in the body. It helps in the repair, growth and development of body cells. More importantly, vitamin C can strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and white blood cells.

You can consume fruits such as guava, lemon, orange, papaya, strawberry, kiwi and mango to help the dengue healing process. Meanwhile, vegetables rich in vitamin C that can be consumed when you have DHF are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and pumpkin.

Information related to 5 Natural Ingredients to Treat Dengue Fever:

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