Al pie del so segundu home, Humphrey Verdon Roe, fundó la primer clínica de control de la natalidá en Gran Bretaña. Stopes editó la publicación Birth Control News que daba conseyos esplícitos sobre la tema.
El so manual sobre sexu, Married Love foi bien revesosu ya influyente. Oponer al albuertu argumentando que la prevención de la concepción yera abonda[8][7]
Delles publicaciones
1910. A Journal From Japan. Londres: Blackie & Son, Ltd. OL 9026688W
1912. Botany; or, The modern study of plants. Londres & Edimburgu: T.C. & Y.C. Jack. OL 9026684W
1913. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the British Museum (Natural History): The Cretaceous Flora: Part I - II. Londres: British Museum
con Jôji Sakurai. 1913. Plays of Old Japan. Londres: William Heinemann
con Jôji Sakurai. 1927. Plays of Old Japan: The 'Nô'. Eclís Press. OL 9026704W
1914. The 'Fern ledges' Carboniferous flora of St. John, New Brunswick. Ottawa: Gov. of Canada, Gov. Printing Bureau
1914. Man, other poems, and a preface. Londres: William Heinemann. OL 9026691W
1917. Conquest; or, A piece of jade; a new play. Londres: French
1918. Married Love. Londres: Fifield & Co. ISBN 0-19-280432-4. OL 9026716W
1918. Wise Parenthood: A Treatise on Birth Control or Contraception. Londres: Rendell & Co. ISBN 0-659-90552-3. OL 9026714W
1918. On the Four Visible Ingredients in Banded Bituminous Coal: Studies in the Composition of Coal, Non. 1. Ottawa: Gov. of Canada, Gov. Printing Bureau
1920. Radiant Motherhood. Londres: Putnam. OL 9026706W
1921. The Truth about Venereal Disease. Londres: Putnam
1923. Contraception (birth control) its theory, history and practice. Londres: J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson. OL 9026713W
1923. Our Ostriches. Londres: Putnam. OL 9026703W
1926. Sex and the Young. New York & Londrees: Putnam. OL 53799W
1926. The Human Body. New York & Londres: Putnam. OL 9026707W
1926. A Banned Play and a Preface on the Censorship. Londrees: J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson. OL 9026682W
1928. Enduring Passion. New York: Putnam
1935. Marriage in My Time. Rich & Cowan Ltd.
1936. Change of Life in Men and Women. New York: Putnam. OL 9026710W
1939. Your Baby's First Year. Londres: Putnam
1940. Oriri. Londres: William Heinemann
1946. The Bathe, an Ecstasy. Londres: A. Moring. OL 412916W
Biografíes n'inglés
Aylmer Maude (1924). The Authorized Life of Marie C. Stopes. Williams & Norgate.
Aylmer Maude (1933). Marie Stopes: Her Work and Play. John Bale & Sons and Danielsson.
Keith Briant (1962). Passionate Paradox: The Life of Marie Stopes. W.W. Norton & Co..
Ruth Hall (1978). Marie Stopes: a biography. Virago, Ltd.. ISBN 0-86068-092-4.
June Rose (1992). Marie Stopes and the Sexual Revolution. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-16970-8.
Geppert, A. C. T. (xineru de 1998). «Divine sex, happy marriage, regenerated nation: Marie Stopes's marital manual Married Love and the making of a best-seller, 1918–1955». Journal of the History of Sexuality8 (3): páxs. 389–433. PMID11620019.
Fisher, Kate (2002). «Contrasting cultures of contraception: birth control clinics and the working-classes in Britain between the wars». Clio Medica66: p. 141–57. PMID12028675.
Sakula, Alex (agostu de 2003). «Plaques on London houses of medico-historical interest; Marie Stopes (1880–1958)». Journal of Medical Biography11 (3): páxs. 141. PMID12870036.
↑Afirmao en: autoridaes BNF. Identificador BnF: 12318386g. Data de consulta: 10 ochobre 2015. Autor: Biblioteca Nacional de Francia. Llingua de la obra o nome: francés.
↑Afirmao en: Gemeinsame Normdatei. Identificador GND: 121726940. Data de consulta: 16 ochobre 2015. Llingua de la obra o nome: alemán. Autor: Biblioteca Nacional d'Alemaña.
↑ 4,04,1Identificador de persona en The Peerage: p33092.htm#i330911. Data de consulta: 7 agostu 2020.
↑Biblioteca Nacional de Francia. «autoridaes BNF» (francés). Consultáu'l 10 ochobre 2015.
↑Afirmao en: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford Biography Index Number: 36323. Editorial: Oxford University Press. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés. Data d'espublización: 2004.