الاسم المحلى
احمد شاه الدرانى
Ahmad Shah the Father[1][2][3]
Founder of the Afghan Durrani Empire.
اسكندر بك
Ati i Kombit
ابو الامه
Led a two decade long rebellion against the امبراطوريه عثمانيه
فير بيرد
انتيجا و باربودا
ابو الامه
First prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda.
خوسيه دى سان مارتين
Padre de la Patria / Fundador de la República y Protector del Perú[4]
Father of the Fatherland / Founder of the Republic and Protector of Peru
Primary leader of the southern part of South America's successful struggle for independence from Spain (1778–1850).
هايك (Հայկ)
Nahapet (Նահապետ)
رأس العيله البطريرك
Legendary founder of the Armenian nation.
هنرى باركس
Father of Federation
Gave the Tenterfield Oration, which is believed to be pivotal in the process of federating the Australian colonies.
ليندن بيندلينج
ابو الامه
Leader at independence in 1973.[5]
مجيب الرحمن
Jatir Janak (জাতির জনক) Bangabandhu (বঙ্গবন্ধু)
ابو الامه صديق البنغال
مؤسس بانجلاديش.
ايرول بارو
ابو الاستقلال
The 3rd and last premier of Barbados (1961–1966) who lead Barbados to independence from the British Empire in 1966. He became the first prime minister and served three terms (1966–76, 1986–87) dying in office during his third.
جورج كادلى برايس
ابو الامه
Former Chief Minister, Premier and two-term Prime Minister before retiring in 1997.[6][7]
يوجين وانجشوك
First king of modern Bhutan.
سيمون بوليفار
بوليفيا كولومبيا اكوادور بنما بيرو ڤينيزويلا
Primary leader of South America's successful struggle for independence from Spain.
سيريتسى خاما
ابو الاستقلال
Leader of the independence movement and first President of Botswana. Creator of democracy in Botswana
بيدرو الاول امبراطور البرازيل, ماريا ليوبولدينا النمساوية و جوزيه بونيفاسيو دى اندرادا
Pai da Nação e Patriarca da Independência
Father of the Nation and Patriarch of Independence
Founder and the first Emperor of Brazil (1822). Maria Leopoldina was the first Empress of Brazil. Bonifácio was the advisor of Pedro I.
عمر على سيف الدين التالت
Architect of Modern Brunei
Builder of the Modern Nation and Father of Independence
28th Sultan of Brunei and First Minister of Defence (1914–1986).
Kanasubigi (Кан)
Founder and first ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire.
نورودوم سيهانوك
សម្តេចឪ (Sâmdéch Âu)
الملك الاب
Secured independence from France.
جون ماكدونالد و أخرين (اباء الكونفدراليه)
ابو الكونفدراليه
Father of Confederation
برناردو اوهيجينز
Padre de la patria
والد الوطن
Principal leader of Chile's successful struggle for independence from Spain.
سون يات سين
ابو الامه
Sun played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution. The Nationalist government decreed the title in 1940.[8] Sun is more widely known in the People's Republic of China as the "Forerunner of the Revolution".[9]
خوسيه ماريا كاسترو مادريز
كوستا ريكا
مؤسس الجمهوريه
ابو الامه
First President of the Republic of Costa Rica.[10]
انتى ستارسيفيتش
Otac domovine
ابو الوطن
His diverse activities and works laid the foundations for the modern Croatian state.[11]
كارلوس مانويل د سيسپيديس
Padre de la Patria
Father of the Fatherland[12]
Leader of the first Cuban independence movement which fought the Ten Years' War.
مكاريوس التالت
زعيم الامه
First and longest President of Cyprus.
كارل الرابع
Otec vlasti
ابو الوطن
King of Bohemia. Title coined by the rector of the Charles University of Prague at the emperor's funeral.[13]
فرانتيسيك پالاكى
Otec národa
ابو الامه
Politician and historian.[13] Whereas vlast "homeland" included all inhabitants, národ "nation" comprised only Czech people.[14]
توماس ماساريك
Tatíček / President Osvoboditel
Father of the Fatherland / President Liberator
First President of Czechoslovakia and proponent of Czechoslovakism.[13][15]
خوان بابلو دوارتى
جمهورية الدومينيكان
Padre de la patria
والد الوطن
Defeated Haiti during war of independence.
اليا شافشافادزه
უგვირგვინო მეფე / ერის მამა
الملك الغير متوج / ابو الامه
اعضاء البرلمان الالمانى
Väter und Mütter des Grundgesetzes
Fathers and mothers of the Basic Law
Drafted the Basic Law, the constitution of (then West) Germany
كوامى نكروما
ابو الامه
First president and prime minister of Ghana, the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve full independence.
الاسكندر الاكبر
Πατέρας των Ελλήνων
ابو اليونان
Founder of the Macedonian Empire responsible for spreading Greek culture during the Hellenistic period.
شيدى جاجان
ابو الامه
President of Guyana from 1992 to 1997.
جان جاك ديسالين
Père de la patrie
والد الوطن
Primary leader of Haiti's successful struggle for independence from France.
ديونيسيو دى هيريرا
First Head of State of Honduras within the Federal Republic of Central America
ابو الوطن
Second Grand Prince of the Hungarians, leader of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian basin.
مهاتما جاندى
राष्ट्रपिता (Father of the Nation) "Bapuji" (Father)
Father of the Nation;[16] Leader of the Indian independence movement from British Raj
Article 18 of the Indian Constitution prohibits conferring titles other than military and academic distinctions by the State.
احمد سوكارنو
Bapak Bangsa/Pemimpin Besar Revolusi Indonesia/Proklamator
Father of the Nation/Great Leader of Indonesian Revolution/The Proclamator
First President of Indonesia.
كورش الكبير
ايران (فارس)
ملك الملوك
The founder of the first Persian Empire
كاميلو بنسو جوزيبى جاريبالدى جوزيبى مازينى فيتوريو امانويلى التانى
Padre della Patria
والد الوطن
Authors of Italian unification[17][18][19]
الامبراطور جينمو
神武天皇 (Jinmu Ten-noh)
اول امبراطور لليابان
اليخان بوكيخانوڤ
Prime Minister of the Alash Autonomy
Leader and founder of the Alash Orda national liberation movement.
جومو كينياتا
Baba wa Taifa
ابو الامه/بطل الحريه
First President of Kenya from 1963 to his death in 1978 who helped create the Kenyan Constitution.
ابراهيم روجوفا
Babai i Kombit
ابو الامه
First president of the First Republic of Kosovo. President of Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metochia under UN after Kosovo war.
چوناس باساناڤيسيوس
Tautos patriarchas
بطريرك الامه
Various cultural activities during the Lithuanian National Revival.[20]
كرستى ميسيركوف
مقدونيا الشماليه
Татко на нацијата
ابو الامه
Prominent linguist, writer and activist.
تونكو عبد الرحمن
Bapa Kemerdekaan
Bapa Malaysia
ابو الاستقلال
والد ماليزيا
The first Prime Minister of Malaysia. A prince from the Kedah Sultanate, the Cambridge-educated Tunku led the negotiated independence of Federation of Malaya from the British Empire in 1957. Later formed Malaysia through the union of Peninsular Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak in 1963.
محمد فريد ديدى
Founder of modern Maldives and last sultan of Maldives.
دوم منتوف
Missier Malta Hielsa
ابو مالطا الحره
A Maltese statesman and leading politician. He twice served as Prime Minister of Malta (from 1955 to 1958, and from 1974 to 1984) as the Leader of the Labour Party, a position he held from 1949 to 1984. In 1974, with him as Prime Minister, Malta negotiated a series of constitutional reforms leading to the establishment of the Maltese Republic and the removal of the British monarch as head of state. In 1979, the last Royal Navy ships left Malta, marking the country's transformation into a fully independent nation. Mintoff is also credited with the establishment of the Maltese welfare state and the socialist-style nationalisation and collectivisation of various key industries.
Sir سيووساجور رامجولام
ابو الامه [21]
First post-independence Prime Minister, in 1968.
ميجيل ايدالجو اى كوستيا
Padre de la patria mexicana[22]
Father of the Mexican Nation[23]
First revolutionary leader in the Mexican War of Independence.
Монголчуудын эцэг
Father of the Mongols, Founding Father of Mongolia[24]
After unifying the many nomadic tribes of northeastern Asian steppe peoples, Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire and became the first Great Khan and Emperor. He eventually led a conquest of the majority of Eurasia, and his unified homeland would become Mongolia.
اون سان
ابو الامه, ابو الاستقلال
5th Prime Minister of Burma in British Era from 1946 to 1947
Assassinated on 19 July 1947, before the independence of Burma.
سام نوجوما
Founding Father of the Namibian Nation
First President of Namibia, 1990–2005; title conferred by Act of Parliament in 2005.[25]
براتى نارايان شاه
श्री ५ बडामहाराजधिराज पृथ्वी नारायण शाह
ابو الامه
King of Nepal during the Unification of Nepal.
ويليام الصامت
Vader des Vaderlands
والد الوطن
Leader of the successful Dutch Revolt against Spain, which led to the Dutch Republic, the first independent Dutch state.[26]
Padre de la Patria Nicaragüense
والد الوطن النيكراجوجى
Native Nicaraguan tribal leader
نامدى ازيكيوى
ابو الامه النيجيريه
First president of Nigeria when it became a republic on October 1, 1963, and was the last governor general of Nigeria.
اينار جارهاردسن
ابو الامه
First post–World War II prime minister of Norway.[28]
محمد على جناح
Quaid-e-Azam & Baba-e-Quam[29][30]
Father of the Nation/Great Leader
Founder of Pakistan, leader of the Muslim League and first Governor-General of Pakistan.
مايكل سومارى
بابوا نيو جينيا
Papa Blo Kantri[31]
ابو الامه
Leader at independence in 1975; also known as "the chief" and "the old man".[32]
اميليو اجينالدو
Kauna-unahang Pangulo ng Pilipinas
First President of the Philippines
Military Leader of the Philippine Revolution and the First President of the Philippines through the 1899 Malolos Congress, which oversaw the promulgation of the Malolos Constitution. His birthday, March 22, 1869, is celebrated as Emilio Aguinaldo Day.
اندريس بونيفاسيو
Amá ng Himagsikan
ابو الثوره
Political Leader of the Philippine Revolution, which saw armed resistance against the Spanish Empire. His birthday, November 30, 1863, is a national holiday.
خوسيه ريزال
Pambansáng Bayani
بطل قومى
Colloquially known as the "National Hero". Rizal's works and writings–which helped start the Philippine Revolution–are part of the national curriculum as mandated by Republic Act No. 1425. The anniversary of his December 30, 1896 execution by the Spanish colonial government is a national holiday.[33]
افونسو الاول ملك البرتجال
Fundador da Nação
Father of the Nation a.k.a. The Conqueror
Founder and 1st. King of Portugal (1139), recognized by the Holy See in 1179.
بطرس الاول
Отец Отечества (Otets Otechestva)
اب الوطن
Was granted the title in 1721 by the Governing Senate, along with "Emperor of Russia" and "The Great".[34]
الوالى مصطفى السيد
الجمهوريه العربيه الصحراويه الديمقراطيه
ابو الامه
Leader of the Polisario Front, First President of the SADR. Fought against Spanish colonial army & against the invasion of the Moroccan & Mauritanian armies.
جون كومبتون
سانت لوسيا
Father of the Nation
Prime Minister at independence in 1979. Also known as "Daddy Compton".[35]
القديس مارينوس
سان مارينو
Founder of a chapel and monastery in central Italy, in 301 (traditional date: September 3). From this initial community the state of San Marino later grew.[36]
عبد العزيز ال سعود
المملكه العربيه السعوديه
والد الامه / المؤسس
ابو الامه/ المؤسس
Unified the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and established the modern Saudi state. He descended from the noble House of Saud, the dynasty which had ruled most of Arabia in the 18th century. His son King Salman is the current head of state of Saudi Arabia. Five other older sons – Saud, Faisal, Khalid, Fahd and Abdullah – served as former heads of state.
دوبريكا كوسيك
صيربيا و مونتنيجرو
Отац нације[37][38]
Father of the Nation
Yugoslav Serbian politician, writer, and political theorist.
دونالد ديوار
ابو الامه
First First Minister of Scotland following the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.[39]
سانت سابا
Отац отаџбине[40]
اب الوطن
Founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
كاراجورجى و ميلوش اوبرينوفيتش الاول
Отац нације[41][42]
اباء الامه
Leaders of the First and Second Serbian Uprising during the Serbian Revolution.
لى كوان يو
Father of Singapore
First Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, governing for over 30 years. Leading figure throughout Singapore's time as a part of Malaysia and its later independence.
ميلان راستيسلاف ستيفانيك
ابو الامه
Politician, diplomat, aviator, astronomer, and one of the leading members of the Czechoslovak National Council. He contributed decisively to the cause of Czechoslovakian sovereignty. In 2019, Štefánik was selected as the "Greatest Slovak". The Milan Rastislav Štefánik Merit Act passed the parliament in the year 2000.[43][44]
پريموز تروبار
Oče naroda
ابو الامه
A consolidator of Slovene and the author of the first Slovene printed book.
محمد بن عبد الله بن حسن
اب الوطن
The emir of Dervish and Diiriye Guure.[45]
كيم كوو
كوريا الجنوبيه
ابو الامه
نيلسون مانديلا
جنوب افريقيا
Tata wethu
Father of the Nation
First President of post-apartheid South Africa.[46]
الملوك الكاتوليك
Reyes Católicos de los reinos de Castilla y Aragón
Catholic Monarchs of the Kingdoms of Castille and Aragon
The unifiers of Spain. They unified the territories of Castille, Aragon and Al-Andalus, all the territories of the Iberian Peninsula, except Portugal. During their reign America was discovered and started the Spanish Empire.
ستيفان سيناناياكى
ජාතියේ පියා (Jathiyay Piya)
ابو الامه
First Prime Minister, from 1947 to 1952.[47]
يوهان فيريى
Vader des Vaderlands
ابو الامه
First president after the independence of the country in 1975 (the term Vader des Vaderlands has its roots in the Netherlands).
جوستاف الاول
ابو الامه
Broke Sweden from Danish rule under Christian II.
بير البين هانسون
ابو الامه
Prime Minister 1932–1946 and founder of The People's Home.
جوليوس نيريرى
Baba wa Taifa
ابو الامه
First President of Tanzania.[48]
Henry Alcazar, Victor Bryan, Tubal Uriah Butler, Rudranath Capildeo, Simbhoonath Capildeo, Arthur Andrew Cipriani, Albert Gomes, Solomon Hochoy, A. P. T. James, Audrey Jeffers, Ranjit Kumar, Emmanuel Mzumbo Lazare, Chanka Maharaj, Bhadase Sagan Maraj, Quintin O'Connor, Michael Pocock, Adrian Cola Rienzi (Krishna Deonarine), Alfred Richards, Harold Robinson, Timothy Roodal, Lionel Seukeran, Ashford Sinanan, Mitra Sinanan, Sarran Teelucksingh, Louis de Verteuil, Gerald Wight, Eric Williams, Hugh Wooding[49]
ترينيداد و توباجو
Moulders of the Nation[49]
They helped shape the country's future as an independent nation and laid the foundation of democracy.[49]
اريك وليامز
ابو الامه
First and three-term Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago from 1956 to his death in 1981, first Premier of Trinidad and Tobago from 1961 to 1966, second Chief Minister of Trinidad and Tobago from 1956 to 1961, founder of the People's National Movement (PNM) and was instrumental in writing the Trinidad and Tobago constitution and gaining the country independence and republicanism from British rule.[50][51]
الحبيب بورقيبه
المجاهد الاكبر
The Supreme Warrior
Father of the independence of Tunisia and first President of Tunisia. He led the Tunisian national movement against France. After independence, he founded a modern state, built schools and hospitals and gave the Tunisian women rights that are still unique in the Arab World today.
مصطفى كمال اتاتورك
Father of the Turks (always used as a last name and not a title proper)
Founder of the Republic of Turkey and first President of Turkey. He led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence, and enacted the reforms that made Turkey a democratic nation-state. Granted in accordance with the 1934 Surname Law establishing surnames in Turkey.[52]
بوهدان خميلينتسكى
ابو الامه
زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان
والد الأمة
ابو الامه
President of the UAE for its first 33 years (1971–2004).[53][54]
جورج واشينطون, توماس جيفيرسون, جيمس ماديسون, جون جاى, الكسندر هاميلتون, بينچامين فرانكلين and other Signers and Framers
الولايات المتحده
الآباء المؤسسين للولايات المتحده[55][56]
The Signers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The Framers were delegates to the Constitutional Convention and took part in framing or drafting the proposed United States Constitution.
جورج واشينطون
الاب المؤسس للولايات المتحده
Father of his country[57][58]
George Washington is particularly highlighted out of the Founding Fathers of the United States as being the "father of his country"[57][58] for his role as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, his resignation of command at the end of the war, the presidency of the Constitutional Convention and for his tenure (and voluntary retirement) as the first President of the United States.
خوسيه خيرفاسيو ارتيجاس
Padre de la independencia uruguaya, Protector de los Pueblos Libres y Jefe de los orientales[59]
Father of Uruguayan independence, Defender of the Free and Chief of the eastern people[60]
Fought against the Spanish Royalists for independence in the Río de la Plata.
هو تشى مينه
Người cha già của dân tộc
ابو الشعب
Leader of the Viet Minh, who fought for independence from France and decisively defeated them at the bloody Battle of Dien Bien Phu, resulting in the establishment of an independent communist state in North Vietnam in 1954. Vietnam would eventually be united under communist rule after his death with the Fall of Saigon in 1975.
كينيث كاوندا
ابو الامه
First president of Zambia from 1964 to 1991. He founded the Zambian African National Congress (ANC), later becoming the head of the United National Independence Party (UNIP which led to attaining independence.