Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens is the sixth spin-off anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and the tenth anime series overall. It is produced by Bridge and broadcast on TV Tokyo. The series is directed by Nobuhiro Kondo. The series follows Yūga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.[1] From episodes 53–92, the second opening theme is "Harevutai" (ハレヴタイ), performed by The Brow Beat[2] while the second ending theme is "Never Looking Back", performed by Shizukunome.
^For simplicity purposes on the episode table, the English air dates only reflect the televised broadcast on Disney XD in the United States. Some episodes might be streamed in advance on Hulu.