Welcome to Ghost Mansion (訳アリ心霊マンション, Wakeari Shinrei Manshon) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nebukuro. It began serialization on Shinchosha's Kurage Bunch manga website in May 2022.
Written and illustrated by Nebukuro, Welcome to Ghost Mansion began serialization on Shinchosha's Kurage Bunch manga website on May 13, 2022.[3] Its chapters have been collected into four tankōbon volumes.[4] The series is licensed in English by Titan Comics under its Titan Manga imprint.[1]
The series won the 17th KuraTwi Manga Award in 2021.[3] The series was nominated for the Web Manga General Election 10th Anniversary Edition, and was ranked third,[9] it was also nominated for the same award the following year and was ranked second.[10] The series was nominated for the ninth Next Manga Awards in 2023, and was ranked fourth out of 61 nominees.[11]