Virattu (transl. Scare) is a 2014 Indian Tamil-language thriller film produced and directed by Kumar T. The film stars T Kumar's son Sujiv and Erica Fernandes, while Pragya Jaiswal and Manobala appear in other pivotal roles. The film was released on 21 February 2014 to average reviews, while the dubbed Telugu version Dega was released on 28 November 2014.[1][2]
Sequences were filmed on a train travelling from Thailand to Malaysia and the stunt scenes were composed by Dho Dho of Thailand and Williams of Malaysia.[3] Further scenes were canned in New Zealand.[4]
The film's audio was released in June 2013 by R. B. Choudary, while S. J. Surya received the first copy at a launch event. The film has four songs with four different lyricists contributing – Madhan Karky, Na. Muthukumar, Vignesh Shivan and Lallu. The film's soundtrack opened to average reviews, with a music critic noting it was as "mercurial as its composer".[5] The song "Podhum Podhum" was released with a promotional video featuring the lead singers Andrea Jeremiah and Naresh Iyer and was well received by critics.[6][7]