The company trades under a number of brands: for insurance it uses the brands UnipolSai Assicurazioni, Linear Assicurazioni, Linear Life, UniSalute and Arca Vita.
In 1995 the company entered a partnership arrangement with the banking group Casse Emiliano Romagnole, whereby Unipol sold its products through the bank's networks. The partnership also involved complex deals in ownership. As at 31 December 1995, Unipol owned 3.64% shares of CAER; CAER in turn owned 9.80% shares of Unipol's parent company Finsoe. CAER also owned Banca dell'Economia Cooperativa through 6.99% shares owned by CAER directly, as well as an additional 13% shares of the bank owned by CAER's subsidiary Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna (Carisbo). Through Carisbo's subsidiary, FINCAER, the bank group also purchased a minority ownership from Unipol in UniSalute (9.9%) and in Noricum Assicurazioni (34%), In 1996 FINCAER had a minority ownership in Linear Assicurazioni (20%), as well as the ownership in Noricum which increased to 44%.
In 2001 Unipol bought back the 9.9% shares of UniSalute and 20% of Linear Assicurazioni. Cardine Banca (ex-CAER) also sold all the shares of Unipol Banca and Finsoe to third parties.
In December 2003 Unipol subscribed to the capital increases of Reti Bancarie, a sub-holding company of Banca Popolare Italiana for €173.4 million. In return Aurora Assicurazioni got the rights to sell their products in the bank networks of Reti Bancarie.[4] BPI was involved in a failed takeover of Antonveneta, part of the bancopoli that was exposed in 2005. In early 2006 Unipol's takeover bid of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro was rejected by the Bank of Italy. BNL was acquired by BNP Paribas instead, consequently the French company acquired 4.5% shares of Unipol's parent company Finsoe.[5]
Under the restructure scheme, Unipol Assicurazioni (also known as Compagnia Assicuratrice Unipol) was to be renamed as Unipol Gruppo Finanziario, and a new subsidiary Unipol Assicurazioni would be set up.
As at 31 December 2007 the holding company controlled five insurance companies: Unipol Assicurazioni (100%), Aurora Assicurazioni (100%), Linear Assicurazioni (100%), Navale Assicurazioni (99.83%) and UniSalute (98.48%).