Uncle Buck is an American comedyfranchise that consists of one film and two television series. The series tells the story of the titular "Uncle Buck" Russell, a bachelor and all-around-slob who babysits his brother's rebellious teenage daughter and her younger brother and sister. Starring John Candy, Kevin Meaney and Mike Epps, the series also co-stars Amy Madigan, Macaulay Culkin, Lacey Chabert and Nia Long.
A television series was broadcast on CBS in 1990. It starred Kevin Meaney as Buck, a slob who drinks and smokes. When Bob and Cindy die in a car accident, he is named as the guardian of Tia, Miles, and Maizy. Opening to negative critical ratings, after it was moved to Friday, in an attempt by CBS to establish a comedy night there, its ratings quickly plummeted and it was canceled.
In June 2016 ABC premiered a second television adaptation featuring an African-American cast with Mike Epps in the title role, James Lesure as his brother, and Nia Long as Buck's sister-in-law. It suffered a similar fate as the previous TV adaptation, as it was poorly received by critics and then cancelled after only eight episodes.[3]