"Toys, Toys, Toys, Choke, Toys, Toys, Toys" is a song by Biffy Clyro from their second album, The Vertigo of Bliss, and was the band's fourth single. It appeared as a double A-side with "Joy.Discovery.Invention", and was released on CD and 7". The B-side to the vinyl, "All The Way Down (Chapter 2)", originally first appeared on the band's debut independent single, "Iname", in 1999.
This was the first song that was written for The Vertigo of Bliss. We've got lots of back-and-forth vocals and has got a crazy break-down section. It's almost quintessential Biffy, I guess.[2]
Track 3 on the vinyl release is a new version of a song that originally appeared on Iname.
Track listings
Songs and lyrics by Simon Neil. Music by Biffy Clyro.