The story revolves around Tillie Jones, a young, aspirational working girl who moves to the big city to work and support her family. After landing a job at a clothing factory, Tillie soon finds herself embroiled in romantic relationships and office politics. Tillie has to deal with the attention of other suitors while also attracting the attention of her boss, Mr. Simpkins. Tillie's wit and tenacity are put to the test as she tries to succeed in both her personal and professional lives throughout the entire movie. The narrative is full of amusing incidents, miscommunications, and, in the end, Tillie's victory over hardship.
Mary Forbes as Mrs. Fish, Pennington's Mother (uncredited)
James Murray as One of Tillie's Admirers in Restaurant (uncredited)
Russ Powell as One of Tillie's Admirers on Street (uncredited)
Turner Savage as Bill & Sadie's Chubby Boy (uncredited)
In her 24th film, Marion Davies starred as the scatterbrained Tillie Jones, which was based on the famous comic strip. Davies donned a black wig for the part and remembered that she worked on this film while she was also working on The Red Mill. She recalled that for six weeks, she had to sleep on a couch in her bungalow. This was another hit film for Davies. Lucille Ball always claimed she had a bit part as an extra in this film, but was only 16 years old and was still on the East Coast while Tillie the Toiler was shot in Hollywood. Ball always claimed Davies as one of her role models.[4]