The channel airs many iconic horror film franchises including The Ring, Ju-on, The Amityville Horror, Friday the 13th, and The Blair Witch Project. Each month, a thematic block composed of first airings from contemporary and classic horror films is aired typically on Fridays at 11 PM (HK/SG/PHIL), 10 PM (JKT/THAI).
Thrill recently created and aired its original productions; Model Family which is premiered on October 31, 2020 as its first and 3 AM, a 5-part miniseries as its second original production on October 3, 2022.
Thrill's selected movies and TV series are also available on Astro via On Demand (ended on January 1, 2022, but Now, Selected Titles Also on ShowCase Movies on Astro), Film Wallet (in "KIX" brand, movies only) and DEGUP via Unifi TV in Malaysia.
Unlike other film-oriented channels which tend to be commercial-free, Thrill airs television advertising.
Programming blocks
Thrill of the Week
Thrill of the Week features horror films across Asia and America. Airs every Monday at 9 PM (HK/SIN)/8 PM (JKT/BKK).
Asian Horror
Asian Horror airs only horror films originated in Asia. (mostly films from China, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.) Airs every Wednesday at 9 PM (HK/SIN)/8 PM (JKT/BKK).