Selling over 165 million books since its inception in 2003, ThriftBooks is considered one of the largest sellers of used books in the United States and has seven warehouses across the United States.[5] ThriftBooks was founded in the summer of 2003 by Daryl Butcher and Jason Meyer. The two created software that organizes and lists thousands of book titles per day.[6] Since 2004, it has partnered with libraries, which provide unsorted books and get a share of the profits. The first library systems to join were King County, Pierce County, and North Central.[6]
Thriftbooks is popular among book collectors—particularly with those shoppers choosing to avoid Amazon—for being one of few North American online bookselling platforms that is independent rather than a subsidiary of retail giant Amazon.[7][8] However, Thriftbooks does sell books via Amazon subsidiary AbeBooks, Amazon, as well other book resellers such as eBay. The platform is also popular for its free shipping with a $15 minimum order. However, free shipping does not apply to international orders as of 2021. Books do not ship from any ThriftBooks warehouse during U.S. Federal Holidays. Books listed as "New" cannot be delivered to countries outside the United States, although used books, VHS tapes, DVD videos, coloring books, and books categorized as "Collectible" can be.[9] For each book purchased, customers build up points in their accounts which can be put towards a free book through the company's Reading Rewards program.[10]
ThriftBooks opened a 190,000-square-foot (18,000 m2) processing center in Phoenix in 2021.[11] Kenneth F. Goldstein currently serves as the Chairman and CEO and Mike Ward is the Chief Innovation Officer of ThriftBooks.