In World War II during the Battle of Manila, fanatical Japanese soldiers fighting for their lives barricade themselves inside the walls of "Intramuros", the ancient Spanish walled city of Manila. The United States artillery is bombing them continuously, and the Japanese are holding thousands of innocent Filipino citizens hostage. An American reporter named Murray (Paul Edwards Jr.) arrives at the front where a guerrilla unit led by a Lt. Sorenson (Jock Mahoney) makes contact with a young Filipino guerilla named Nardo (Fernando Poe Jr.) who had escaped from Intramuros through a sewer tunnel. Nardo tells Sorenson that his wife is among the prisoners and that the sewer system can be used to rescue the hostages. As shells rain down on the walled city, the American forces invade the area. Sorenson is reunited with his wife, and the military forces its way into the burning city.
^SERVER, LEE, and EDDIE ROMERO. “EDDIE ROMERO: Our Man in Manila.” Film Comment, vol. 35, no. 2, 1999, pp. 44–51. JSTOR, JSTOR,