The series ran from October to November of 1950. It was a musical program hosted by singer and pianist Susan Raye. The program, produced and distributed by DuMont, aired Mondays and Fridays at 7:45 PM on most DuMont affiliates, alternating with The Joan Edwards Show which was in the same time slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays.[1]
The Susan Raye Show replaced The Hazel Scott Show, a very similar program which had starred pianist and singer Hazel Scott. Scott had been implicated in Red Channels as a supposed Communist sympathizer. Although Scott denied the charges, she was effectively blacklisted, and her series was cancelled.[2]The Susan Raye Show filled the DuMont network's programming gap for two months. The series was cancelled after the November 20 broadcast.[3]
Episode status
As with most DuMont series, no episodes are known to exist.