The plot revolves around the relationship of two individuals Sofia and Umer who after entangled in the toxic relationships with their partners Sameer and Sara embark on a transformative journey towards love.[1]
The Pink Shirt is relatable, contemporary, and offers a fresh perspective on enduring issues. It empowers individuals to embrace their genuine and imperfect selves. Regardless of our gender, we are predisposed to accept whatever life presents without raising objections.
In November 2022, it reported that Sajal Aly, Wahaj Ali and Nazish Jehangir will be appeared in a web-series.[3] In May 2023, screenwriter Bee Gul shared some datails about the project and stating Aly's character as what she hasn't done before.[4] The first look of the series was revealed by the producer in September.[5] On 4 October, Applause Entertainment announced that the series will have its world premiere on South by Southwest on 16 October 2023.[6]
The web-series debuted on SXSW Film Festival, Sydney 2023 on 16 October 2023,[7] and also screened in the Series Presentation segment of London Indian Film Festival on 27 October 2023.[8]