The New Odd Couple is an American sitcom television series that aired on ABC from 1982 to 1983, and was an updated version of the 1970s television series The Odd Couple. The New Odd Couple was the second attempt to remake a series of one of Neil Simon's plays with a primarily African-American and European-American cast. The first was Barefoot in the Park (which also premiered on September 24, 1970, the same day as the original Odd Couple series).
In this series, Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison were both African-American college buddies who met in the 1950s. Felix was portrayed by Ron Glass and Oscar was portrayed by Demond Wilson. The characterizations were still the same, as Felix was a prissy neatfreak and Oscar was a fun-loving and sloppy character. John Schuck also appeared as Murray the Cop, who was kept Caucasian, as was the character of Roy, who was played by Bart Braverman.
The show ran for 18 episodes. When production on the series began, a Hollywood writers strike was underway; as a result, eight of the early episodes recycled scripts from the original series. By the time the writers began producing new scripts, it was too late, as the show never found an audience. The series was cancelled in 1983.
The New Odd Couple was executive produced by Garry and Anthony W. Marshall, and produced by Paramount Television. The theme music was still the same as the original series (composed by Neal Hefti), but it was played with a more updated urban arrangement.
This marked the second time Ron Glass and Demond Wilson collaborated; nearly a decade prior, they appeared together in two episodes of Sanford and Son: "Card Sharps" (S2, E6) and "Once a Thief" (S4, E15).
Felix receives a letter from the IRS. While correcting the error at the IRS office, he accidentally gives away the information about Oscar's tax violations. Felix helps Oscar with his backlogged taxes and saves the day.
"The Hustler"
Joel Zwick
Lowell Ganz & Mark Rothman
November 5, 1982 (1982-11-05)
Oscar is suckered into a contest with a pool hustler.
"Frances Moves In"
Joel Zwick
Lowell Ganz & Mark Rothman
November 12, 1982 (1982-11-12)
Felix' ex-wife moves in, interrupting the weekly poker game.
Felix falls for the girlfriend of a boxing great, KO'ing Oscar's hopes of writing a book on the champion.
"Brother, Can You Spare a Job?"
Joel Zwick
Jerry Ross
November 26, 1982 (1982-11-26)
At Felix' prodding, Oscar demands a raise and is immediately promoted into the ranks of the unemployed.
"The New Car"
Joel Zwick
Lowell Ganz & Mark Rothman
December 3, 1982 (1982-12-03)
In this episode, Felix and Oscar win a car. The car becomes a problem when the two are forced to take turns getting up early to move it across the street. Problems are made worse when Felix refuses to let Oscar drive the car for fear that something will happen to it. Eventually they decide to get rid of the car so that it does not come between their friendship.
"The Cordon Blues"
Joel Zwick
Jeffrey Duteil & Ralph Farquhar
December 10, 1982 (1982-12-10)
A socialite friend thinks Felix has the panache to manage her new restaurant.