It is an epic work set in a future where humans have pushed far out into space in the name of commerce. The series follows two concurrent story arcs. The first concerns an ensign in the United Mining Companies Police (UMCP), Morn Hyland, who is attempting to stay alive after being captured by a marauder named Angus Thermopyle. The second follows the fate of three people who are affected by the Byzantine political maneuvering of the head of the UMCP, Warden Dios, as he attempts to thwart the machinations of his boss, the CEO of United Mining Companies (UMC) itself, Holt Fasner.
The Victor Gollancz Ltd (UK) reprints combine the first two books into a single volume. This was, according to Donaldson's official website, at his request.[citation needed]
According to the author's afterword in The Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story (1990), the series was originally envisioned as a novella in which characters representing villain, victim, and rescuer would switch places during the course of the narrative. When Donaldson found the result unsatisfying, the book was shelved until he thought of now retelling of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen in the same universe and casting the characters from the first novel in roles based on those from Wagner's opera.