Set in rural Cantabria, the plot tracks several intertwined stories, including an elder man (Alfonso) paying visits to Nanda, who lives in a geriatric centre and the budding cycling talent of young Martín (brother of Luisa, an independent woman and social worker in the aforementioned geriatric centre who falls romantically for Ramiro, a mechanic). Martín is helped by Alfonso and his pal Tasio in order to fulfill his potential.[1][2][3]
The film was selected for screening at the official selection of the 52nd Valladolid International Film Festival, where it premiered on 1 November 2007.[9] It was theatrically released in Spain on 11 January 2008.[10]
Jonathan Holland of Variety deemed the film to be "an understated, cross-generational rural drama whose general air of lethargy is redeemed by a decent central perf and the beauty of its locations", in which the director "plays out its themes of emotional uncertainty, memory and loss to unconvincing effect".[1]
Carlos Marañón of Cinemanía rated the film 3 out of 5 stars, positively pointing out that what in advance appeared to be a "tourism advertorial" paid by the Cantabrian government turns out to be simple story of well-performed solitudes, with an open ending.[11]