The Backlot Murders (also known as Death is Directing in Germany) is a 2002 American slasher film directed by David DeFalco. It stars Priscilla Barnes, Charles Fleischer and Corey Haim. The film follows a killer in an Elvis mask, murdering the cast and crew of a music video shoot.
When a rock band travels to a movie lot to shoot a music video, they aren't expecting much — especially since the main reason the band is getting the video is that its lead vocalist (Brian Gaskill) is dating the daughter (Jamie Anstead) of a big shot record producer (Tom Hallick). However, soon after they arrive, they find themselves sharing their stage with a serial killer in an Elvis mask.
Critical reception has been mixed.[1]Bloody Disgusting panned the film overall, as they felt that the film was too cheesy for early 2000s fare and that it was overall "just too unimaginative".[2] reviewer Jack Sommersby was more positive, writing that it was "good, trashy fun, with the proper proportion of blood, nudity and humor."[3]