The band had roots in the group Mine(thorn) and consisted of Tetsuo Unit BRJ (a.k.a. Brooke Johnson, vocals, guitars, bass and programming) and Test Subject MGB (a.k.a. Michael Blenkarn, guitars, keyboards and programming).[1]
The Axis of Perdition's musical output consists of black metal experimentation with industrial music and dark ambient textures. Their debut album states that "Axis of Perdition plays something there isn't words for yet (exclusively)".
Their sound is primarily based on distorted guitars with black metal vocals, programmed drums, and discordant sound effects including screams and static. The black metal aspects of the music are digitally distorted, interspersed with atmospheric soundscapes formed by synthesizers and field recordings. The Axis of Perdition's tracks tend to feature shifting free-form arrangements that lack a typical verse-chorus structure and tend toward lengthiness (one such track, from Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital, is over twelve minutes long).
In 2013, the group separated due to a mutual agreement between Blenkarn and Johnson, but reunited in 2019 under the name An Axis of Perdition.
Brooke Johnson – Vocals, Jazz Guitar, Ambience. (also member of the bands Mine(thorn), Halo of the Sun, Pulsefear, Hesper Payne, Nord, Irradiant and Monument)
Michael Blenkarn – Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Keyboard & Piano, Programming, Ambience. (also member of the bands Wodensthrone and Phaleg)
Ian Fenwick – Bass Guitar. (also member of the band Mine(thorn) and Hesper Payne)