The Syriac Sinaiticus or Codex Sinaiticus Syriacus (syrs), known also as the Sinaitic Palimpsest, of Saint Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Syr. 30), or Old Syriac Gospels is a late-4th- or early-5th-century manuscript of 179 folios, containing a nearly complete translation of the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament into Syriac,[1] which have been overwritten by a vita (biography) of female saints and martyrs with a date corresponding to AD 697.[2] This palimpsest is the oldest copy of the Gospels in Syriac, one of two surviving manuscripts (the other being the Curetonian Gospels) that are conventionally dated to before the Peshitta, the standard Syriac translation.[3]
Both the Syriac Sinaiticus (designated syrs) [Sinai, Syr 30] and the Curetonian Gospels (designated syrcur) [British Library, Add 14451; Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, Orient Quad 528] known as the Old Syriac version[4] contain similar renderings of the Gospel text; its conformity with the Greek and the Latin has been debated.[5] Additional passages of the Old Syriac version were discovered among the New Finds (1975) of Saint Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Syr. NF 37, 39).[6][7] Even so, syrs retains some readings from even earlier lost Syriac Gospels and from the 2nd-century Septuagint manuscripts, which brought the four Gospels into harmony with one another through selective readings and emendations.[8]
It had been ascertained that the Diatessaron, or Harmony of the Four Gospels, composed by Tatian in the second century, had to be supplanted in the Syrian churches. There was a promulgation by Bishop Rabbula of Edessa in between AD 411 and 435, that four separate Gospels come into being in use in Syriac churches.[9]
The importance of such early, least conforming texts is emphasized by the revision of the Peshitta that was made about 508, ordered by bishop Philoxenus of Mabbog. His revision, it is said, skilfully moved the Peshitta nearer to the Greek text; "it is very remarkable that his own frequent Gospel quotations preserved in his writings show that he used an Old Syriac set of the four Gospels".[10]
The German theologian Adalbert Merx devoted much of his later research to the elucidation of the Sinaitic Palimpsest, the results being embodied in Die vier kanonischen Evangelien nach dem ältesten bekannten Texte (1897–1905).
The Sinaitic Palimpsest immediately became a central document in tracing the history of the New Testament. The palimpsest's importance lies especially in making the Greek New Testament manuscripts understandable to Aramaic speaking communities during that period.
In Mark 10:2, the phrase the Pharisees came is omitted, as in D, ita.b.d.k.r1, (syrcur)
In Mark 10:7, the phrase and be joined to his wife is omitted, as in א, B, Ψ, 892*, 2427, ℓ48, goth.[15]
In Luke 4:17, it reflects ἀνοίξας ('opened') with A, B, L, W, Ξ, 33, 579, 892, 1195, 1241, ℓ547, syrh, pal, copsa, bo
In Luke 9:35, it reflects ἐκλελεγμένος ('Elect One') with 𝔓45𝔓75 א B L Ξ 892 1241 ita.aur.ff2.l vgst copmss
In Luke 10:41b–42a, the phrase you are worried and being troubled about many things, but only one thing is needed is omitted, as in ita.b.d.e.ff2.i.l.r1Ambrose
In Luke 23:34, the phrase And Jesus said: Father forgive them, they know not what they do is omitted, agreeing with 𝔓75, א1, B, D*, W, Θ, 0124, 1241, a, Bezaelat, copsa, copbo.[16]
Luke 24:40 is omitted, as in D ita.b.d.e.ff2.l.r1, syrcur
In Luke 24:52, the phrase after worshiping him is omitted, as in D ita.b.d.e.ff2.geo2.l (syrcur)
In Luke 24:53, it reflects εὐλογοῦντες ('blessing') with 𝔓75 א B C* L
In John 1:34, it reflects ὁ ἐκλεκτός ('the Elect One') with 𝔓5𝔓106vid א* itb.e.ff2* syrcur
In John 6:23, the phrase the Lord having given thanks is omitted, as in D 091 ita.e syrcur
In John 6:42, the phrase and his mother is omitted, as in א* W itb syrcur
In John 6:46, it contains a singular reading reflecting the Greek θεον πατερα ('God the Father').
In John 6:47, it reflects ὁ πιστεύων εις θεον ἔχει ζωὴν αἰώνιον ('he who is believing in God has life everlasting') in agreement only with syrcur.
In John 6:51, it reflects του εμου ἄρτου ('my bread') with א ita.e.r1
In John 6:64, the text who they are who are not believing, and is omitted, as in 𝔓66* ite syrcur
In John 7:32, the phrase the chief priests and the Pharisees is omitted, as in 118 itb.e
In John 8:16, text reflecting πατήρ ('father') is omitted, as in א* D 1655* itd syrcur
In John 8:53, the phrase our father is omitted, as in D W ita.b.c.d.e.ff2.j.l coppbo
In John 9:18, the phrase had been blind and had received sight is omitted, as in 𝔓66*f1 565 itmss copbo
In John 9:35, it reflects υἱὸν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ('Son of Man') with 𝔓66 𝔓75 א B D W copmss
^Bruce M. Metzger (1977), III. The Old Syriac Version, in Bruce M. Metzger (ed.), The Early Versions of the New Testament (Clarendon Press; Oxford), pp. 36–48.
^Agnes S. Lewis, Select Narratives of Holy Women from the Syro-Antiochene or Sinai Palimpsest as Written Above the Old Syriac Gospels by John the Stylite, or Beth Mari-Qanu in ADD 778 (Studia Sinaitica IX–X; C. J. Clay; London, 1900).
^Bruce M. Metzger (1977), IV. The Peshitta Syriac Version, in Bruce M. Metzger (ed.), The Early Versions of the New Testament (Clarendon Press; Oxford), pp. 48–63.
^Synoptic edition George A. Kiraz (1996), Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonians, Peshitta and Harklean Version, I–IV (Brill: Leiden).
^Bruce M. Metzger (1977), III. The Old Syriac Version, in Bruce M. Metzger (ed.), The Early Versions of the New Testament (Clarendon Press; Oxford), pp. 36–48.
^Sebastian P. Brock (2016), Two Hitherto Unattested Passages of the Old Syriac Gospels in Palimpsests from St Catherie’s Monastery, Sinai, Δελτίο Βιβλικῶν Μελετῶν 31A, pp. 7–18.
^Smith Lewis, Agnes (1894). A Translation of the Four Gospels from the Syriac of the Sinaitic Palimpset. New York: Macmillan and Co. pp. xvii. ISBN9783337283360.
Sebastian P. Brock (2016), Two Hitherto Unattested Passages of the Old Syriac Gospels in Palimpsests from St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, Δελτίο βιβλικῶν Μελετῶν 31A, pp. 7–18.